Michael Kan
Michael Kan
Richard Long
Richard Long
Lachlan Noble
Lachlan Noble


Year 12 students will be required to attend revision sessions conducted by their teachers (in their scheduled double-periods and additional subject lectures), as advised by their Student Managers. All students are encouraged to meet with their teachers to discuss their revision and seek assistance with their work. We require all students to attend the College in full school uniform when meeting with teachers, submitting/collecting work and studying at the College; we also advise students to contact teachers in advance to arrange a time to meet with them.  We wish all students preparing for the Units 3 & 4 examinations every success.


Until Melbourne Cup Day (Tuesday 5 November) students may wear either winter or summer uniform.  From Wednesday 6 November, however, all students must be in full summer uniform.  We remind all students that you are ambassadors for the McKinnon community at all times, and should therefore wear the McKinnon uniform correctly. For both summer and winter uniforms, the blazer is the required outer garment; in warm weather students may choose not to wear the blazer to/from school, however the College jumper must not be worn as the outer garment. School scarves are not to be worn during Term 4.


Over the coming weeks, many senior students in the College are preparing for and undertaking exams and junior students are completing important assessment tasks. Whilst this is a time of celebration for the Year 12 students, it is critical that all students are focused on their studies and we expect McKinnon’s high standards of behaviour to be maintained throughout Term 4.


All Year 9 parents were sent an email at the end of Term 3 about purchasing a new Chromebook for their child. This is a very important process and ensures students have a reliable and up-to-date computer to facilitate online learning, but also a device that is within its 3 year extended warranty. Many of the current devices are starting to process more slowly, and showing signs of 'wear and tear'. We do not want these issues to adversely affect student learning, especially during the crucial VCE years. Organising an upgrade now is the best option, rather than leaving it until next year. The new model has many improved features, including touch screen, access to Android Apps, and is much quicker to charge with USB Type C.   


Chromebooks are ordered through this portal:


McKinnon’s Chromebook program plays an incredibly important role in delivering an effective and engaging curriculum to our students. Its success relies on all students using a standard platform and we thank all families for their ongoing support.


McKinnon Secondary College is committed to the safety, participation, empowerment and wellbeing of all children and young people. Ministerial Order 870 sets out the specific actions that registered schools need to take to meet the seven Child Safety Standards. We take this issue very seriously and have processes and procedures in place to ensure the safety of our students. Key policies relating to child safety, including mandatory reporting, Esmart and the prevention of bullying, are available on the College website


In recent months many families and former students have made generous donations to our tax-deductible Building Fund. The College plans to use such funds to support the next stage of our redevelopment of the College’s teaching facilities. Donations can be made via the following link - 


On behalf of all staff and students of McKinnon Secondary College, we sincerely thank all those who have contributed to our Building Fund and the future of our school.