Secondary School News

Secondary School News


The 2020 Senior Program Guide for Fitzroy High School and Collingwood College is now available. It can be accessed on the school website.

This shared program guide is a symbol of the two school's continued commitment to provide the best senior school opportunities for both student communities. In collaborating in an innovative, responsive, personalised and future-oriented senior school environment, the partnership looks to optimise student outcomes for all students.


This is a very exciting time for current Year 10 students, in the process of making significant decisions for the senior and final years of secondary school, and it is an important time for current Year 11 students, refining programs for Year 12, the final stage of the secondary school journey.


There are a number of factors to be taken into consideration. Importantly, decisions need to be made with a future-focus. A senior program needs to open up a future, which offers opportunity and flexibility. The course and subject choices will be critical to success, leading to a variety of pathways namely higher education, training or employment.


We, therefore, want to provide a range of educational options for all of our students moving into their senior secondary years. This includes VCAL, which is an alternative to VCE. VCAL is vocational and practical. It is a realistic option for students who thrive in a hands-on learning environment and want to go straight into the workforce or further vocational training following secondary school.


In the time we have been offering VCE, and now also VCAL, we have established a legacy of student success, demonstrated by strong academic results and transition to tertiary studies. Through our partnership with the Inner Melbourne VET Cluster (IMVC), students can access an extensive range of VET certificate courses. Many of our former students have gone on to tertiary studies to specialise in the area they studied in VET. At Collingwood College, VET subjects are offered. Students will have access to their VET teacher beyond the face-to-face class time. This is beneficial in a busy senior school schedule.


Christopher Millard

Senior Programs Leader

Fitzroy High School and Collingwood College





















Improving Habitat for Birds at Collingwood College

This term the Secondary Green team is teaming up with Birdlife Australia to increase the habitat and hopefully the number of native birds in our school grounds. So far we have been learning about how to identify birds and what they need for habitat, with the knowledgable Alex from BirdLife Australia. In the next couple of weeks, we will be putting together a garden plan, which we will be planting early next term. If you are interested in supporting our native wildlife or other environmental issues, you are encouraged to join our Green team.


Marley (Yr 10 Student/Green Team Leader)