My Work Experience

Tyana Tsai, Year 10

Over the last 2 weeks, I undertook work experience at Alfred Hospital, Cabrini Hospital, and a Morwell Clinic for five days. I hope to become a doctor when I am older, so I am very fortunate to be able to immerse myself in the medical environment this early on. I was very excited when I got the opportunity to undertake my work experience at the hospitals.

The experience I had at the hospitals were eye-opening. It was not quite like what you see on TV, but it was still very exciting. It was interesting to see the differences between a public hospital, a private hospital, and a rural clinic. I got the chance to follow medical students, doctors, and surgeons. It was good to see different specializations and the different work that they do. I am glad to have a variety of experiences, because it gives me an idea of where I want to specialize and work in.

I saw a range of things from vein and arteries to podiatry, but one thing stood out to me. My highlight was going into surgical theatre and watching vascular surgeries up close. The opportunity to see something like that is priceless. I saw angiograms, X-rays, CT scans, patient diagnosis and more. I learnt a lot of things, and not only did I watch how it was done, now I know how to do an ultrasound!