From the Principal Class Team

Dear Parents and Guardians

Term 4 is always a time of mixed emotions for us as school leaders and staff: as soon as the term commences, we begin a series of farewells. Most are temporary as students leave for the summer holidays, but others are more permanent as our Year 12’s transition into further education and training or employment, and we farewell several staff who are leaving us.


Just as the term is tinged with sadness, it is also a time of celebration and acknowledgement: from Year 12 results to the awards presentation assemblies at each of the other year levels, and one of nervousness and anticipation as we waited for the VCE results and the tertiary offers. And, on that note, we are so pleased for our VCE Students and staff.


Congratulations to our high achievers and, importantly, to every one of our students who worked hard and consistently towards their goals. The results certainly reflect your efforts. There is a full report to follow in this newsletter.


Carolyn Jackson and Max Smith have been part of the Education Support staff team at St Albans Secondary College for 2 years and 3 years respectively. Carolyn has supported staff and students, staff and families through her work as a Teacher Assistant in our Individual needs program, and is respected for her enthusiastic commitment to excellence for every student and her colleagues in the I.N. team. Carolyn will take up a new position at Richmond High School.


Max has worn two hats as our Food Technology Assistant, and the teacher of the VET Hospitality program. She has juggled both roles and provided her VET students with multiple opportunities to showcase their talents by catering for various school events. Max will take up her first secondary teaching position at The Grange P-12, having recently graduated as a teacher.


We also bid farewell to Linda Rose who has managed our school canteen for the past 2 years. As we transition to a third - party operated canteen, we recognise Linda’s hard work and commitment to providing food to hundreds of students each and every day, and to catering for many staff functions as well.


Andrew Buttigieg joined us for two terms as a member of the Maths Department this year, and has also generously supported our students through the study program and After School Homework program. Andrew is returning to further study next year.


Claudia Freyer will take up a teaching position at Craigieburn Secondary College after a year with us teaching Maths and Science and leading projects in STEM. Claudia’s passion for Science and for teaching is evident in every aspect of her work with her students and colleagues.


Marie Brytcz has taught English with us this year and it has been lovely having another former student join the staff. Marie will continue as a CRT next year before some overseas travel mid-year.


Our sincere gratitude, too, to Sandra Faoro, Lynne Borle and Ashmina Ghuman who returned this year to cover some unexpected leave.


We thank each of these staff for their contribution to St Albans Secondary College and wish them all the very best for the next stage of their careers in education.


We also extend our best wishes to staff taking leave from the first part of 2020: Mario Orsini, Lucy Honan, John Hammond and Chloe Marie, and to Hayley Haugh, Tiyana Jones and Ashley O’Dowd who commence family leave this week. All the very best to Hayley, Tiyana and Ashley for the births of their babies.