Principal Update

As I write this Principal’s report our Year 12 students are experiencing their last day of classes as secondary school students. This marks the end of thirteen years of schooling for these students, which is a significant achievement. Most of these students will be sitting their final examinations over the next few weeks, and I encourage them to prepare well for these exams while also taking good care of themselves. Our teachers, wellbeing staff and careers teacher (Mr Cook) will continue to be available to support Year 12 students throughout the exam period and after results are provided in mid-December. I look forward to seeing all of our Year 12 students and their parents at our Graduation Dinner on November 28.
Last Sunday we had a fantastic official opening for our 2018 Art Show. As always, our students have produced amazing works of art which will be on display at the Castlemaine Market Building until November 3. I encourage all members of our school community to drop into the Market Building to take a look at the works of our very talented art students.
Construction of our new Performing Arts Building continues to progress, with the building now almost at “lock-up” stage. This building is due to be completed by the end of November, which will allow us to install furniture and lockers before the building becomes fully operational at the beginning of 2018. To complete our school rebuild, we now require another $12 million to add more classrooms to the Performing Arts Building and to construct the Artisans Precinct and a new Administration Building at the front of our campus (i.e. the Lawson Parade entrance). We are hoping to secure this funding in the next State Budget (May 2018) so that these final building works can commence later next year. This will give us the new facilities that our students deserve and allow us to finish demolishing the remaining old buildings on our Blakeley Road Campus.
Paul Frye
Building Works Progress
School Council
Thank you to those families for coming to today's working bee, we managed to clear so of those weeds in the garden beds and do weed treatment around the school grounds.
If there are any parents who want to give a couple of hours of their time to helping weed the garden beds around the buildings, please ring the school and arrange a time.
Biggest rubbish offenders are plastic straws, plastic lunch bags and all sorts of plastic drink containers.
Please pack nude lunches or encourage students to take rubbish home with them.
Beth Mellick
School Council President