Abdi's Journey

 Abdi's Journey

On the 4th of August, Mr. Abdi Aden gave a talk to the Year 9 cohort.


Abdi was only 15 years old when a civil war broke out in Somalia, and he was forced to flee for his life. He travelled alone through Romania and Germany, finally making his way to Australia two years later. 


Since then, he has gone to school and worked diligently, become a youth worker, book author, and now works as an inspirational speaker. His book, "Shining: The Story of a Lucky Man" is a wonderful read.  The book is available online, as well as the Staughton College library.


This is the second time that we have invited Mr. Aden to our school.  In Term 1, Abdi spoke to our Year 8 cohort for Cultural Diversity Week.



When asked about the talk, this is what the students had to say:


"It was good. It was very interesting and sad.  I want to read his book, actually."

                                                  --- Natalina Mariak


"It was emotional - when he came to Australia, he didn't have a home, a job, and anything... and he was young.  I think he's encouraging people - for those who don't have a home, that they can  improve and they can have a better life."

                                                  --- Rosanna Faaola


"It's really emotional how he left his parents and his sister, and how he survived.  He's funny, specially when he talked about his 'conception' card. Eveyrone wanted to ask questions and shake hands. They didn't want to wash their hands for the whole day."

                                                   --- Sakir Nawaz