Primary News
3A and 3L Excursion to the Melbourne Museum
On Wednesday, 13th September 2017, our Grade Threes went to the Melbourne Museum. Our students were excited and engaged when they saw things that they had learnt about at school, during History lessons. They participated in the First Peoples Ehibition- Bunjilaka and The Melbourne Story Exhibition- Fun and Games. It was a fun, enjoyable experience for all our students.
Book Character Dress Up Day
This week, Primary staff and students dressed as their favourite book characters. There was Greg from diary of a wimpy kid, Wally, Wanda, Harry Potter, Hermione, Dorothy with Toto, Matilda, Grouchy lady bug, Mickey Mouse, spider-man, superman, batman plus lots more.
Mad On Music Concert
The Mad on Music concert was a great success. The students played well and everyone enjoyed the evening.
Prep – 2/3A
Students have returned to coding lessons to further develop their understanding of creating algorithms (steps to complete a task). This week 2/3A created mazes using a variety of materials. They then created algorithms to help Bee Bot (a robotic bee) get through the maze. This was challenged their coding skills, with many groups successfully navigating the maze.
As the term draws to a close students in Grades 3L-6E are finalising their designs for the Yard Upgrade Challenge. They have created how they will share their designs with Mr Mulcahy. It has been a fantastic unit with many creative ideas being shared. There are designs for cubby houses, rainbow hopscotch, twister, mini-roadways, seating, tee-pees, a toy car and much more.
Grade 5 And 6 Camp
Students in grades 5 and 6 were luckly enough to attend the Doxa camp at Malmsbury this week.
Students participated in a variety of team-building activities, and activities designed to build team-work, resilience and self-reliance.