Secondary News

Year 7 Term 3 Report
It has been a whirl wind term with the Year 7 students participating in a variety of excursion, incursions and school events.
The French Film excursion to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) inside the Federation Square precinct provided insight into the French language and culture home.
The Science excursion to the Aquarium allowed the students to embarked on an underwater journey through SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium and learned about the scientific classification of animals on display.
The Digital Thumbprint workshop, empowered and informed Australia’s young digital natives, about the advantages of a positive online presence and armed them with vital information they needed to stay safe online.
Sport days were a favourite amongst year 7 students, with enthusiastic participation in the College, athletics and cross country, culminating in advances to district and zone representation.
Congratulations to all of the year 7 students who have made great achievements in all aspects of their learning!
Mrs Rentzis
Year 8 Term 3 Report
Term 3 was an eventful and rewarding term for many of our Year 8 students. Below, is a small selection of highlights. Many thanks to those who contributed their insights and helped make the term so successful.
Mr Skadins
This term in Sport Ed. I got to choose Futsal as my sport. After weeks of learning how to play, we competed against other schools in our District. Our team consisted of; Laura K. Amber D. Taj R. Kristen M. Crystal I. Reannin C. Jemima S. and myself. It was a great day. We played competitively with excellent sportsmanship. Carwatha came third and we all had a great day.
Sara Knezevic 8C
The highlight of term 3 for me was the Rocks, Camera, Action. excursion at the Melbourne Museum. We spent a period of time in the Dynamic Earth Gallery. The gallery showcased a wide range of rocks and minerals. We were then asked to create a one minute documentary about a feature in the rock cycle. The gallery also included a wide variety of interactive displays using technology to teach about rocks and minerals and why they are so important to earth.
Anna Gavalovic 8B
In term 3, people from Bell Shakespeare came to Carwatha to perform a play called “Shakespeare is Dead”. All students from Year 7 – 9 attended. The performance was held in the gym. They performed very well and we all had a good laugh and walked out with more knowledge about Shakespeare and the plays he wrote.
Laura Kustura 8C
This term a number of Carwatha students competed at District Athletics. Each of us competed in several events. The day went very well and we were able to meet and compete against other students from other schools. Most of us came home with ribbons and enjoyed the day. Carwatha came 6th overall.
Mela Basic 8B
My highlight of term 3 was when Shar, Angel, Mela, Ifi, Jess, Non and I got to play District Basketball for Sport Ed. We went for the day and played six games. We ended up winning four of the six games, which put us in 3rd place. As a team we learned each others strengths and weaknesses and became stronger together. Unfortunately, the boys lost all of their games, and us girls got bragging rights. It was a great day.
Grace Garcia 8A
The highlight of term 3 for me, was when Ms Andrew, our Math teacher, organised and ordered pizza for the whole year level. The Pizzas were delivered at lunch and Raph, Tirron, Amber, Josh and I carried the pizzas to J Block and set them down on tables. We were then kicked out and had to wait for Period 4 before we were allowed to come in. It was a long wait. When we were allowed in we were all given a sheet with math questions based on measuring pizzas. We found a place to sit and got our pizza. After we completed our sheets, we happily devoured our pizza. Being smarter than the others, I was the only one who brought a can of drink to have with my pizza.
Ethan Spicer 8A
My highlight of term 3 was Multicultural Day. The day was for all students to share their culture with the whole school. All SRC representatives, including myself, helped organise the event with the help of Ms. Bawa and Ms. Naylor. A big assembly was held with many multicultural acts. It was great. At lunch, food from many different nationalities was available for people to try. Paul A. and I made Greek souvlaki. It was excellent, but hard work. Everyone enjoyed the day. So many dressed up in their traditional costumes and it was amazing to see. This was my highlight of term 3.
Raph Delisavvas 8C
There have been a lot of interesting events during term 3. An event that particularly caught my attention was High Resolves Day. This event lasted two periods. It was held in J Block and all students from Year 8 participated. Our presenter John, split us into groups and we participated in a number of activities about being a global citizen. What captured my attention was when he explained that even one person can make a difference. This motivated us to improve ourselves as global citizens. At the end of the session we were each asked to make a positive resolution that we thought might help make a difference.
April Hoang 8B
Year 8 Science Excursion – Melbourne Museum
On Tuesday September 12, Yr 8 students went to the Melbourne Museum for the ‘Rocks, camera, action program’ Students have been studying ‘Rocks, Minerals and Fossils’ in science classes this term, and this excursion aimed to consolidate our work on this topic. Activities at the museum included: making a film about an aspect of rocks/minerals/fossils, an educator-led session about the rock cycle and viewing exhibitions such as the ‘Dinosaur Walk’ and ‘600 million years’. Students enjoyed the hands-on activities, interactive areas and 3D animations. Next term, Yr 8 science students will study Physics.
Mrs Crawford
8A and 8C Fossils Experiment
Recently, students in 8A and 8C created their very own mold and cast fossil in science. Year 8 science students in yr 8 have been learning about rocks, minerals and fossils in Term 3 and recently attended the Melbourne Museum excursion program: ‘Rocks, camera, action’. Students used shells and plastic animals to make an imprint into playdough, and filled it with a Plaster of Paris mixture. Students then saw and got to take home their fossils, and they discussed the comparisons of this fossil to real fossils in the wild!
Mrs Crawford
Year 9 Term 3 Report
This was a very busy term for Year 9. One of the major highlights would have to be the Community Leadership Program. This very successful program concluded last night when all available Year 9 students presented an overview of their participation in the program to their families. The event was very well attended and students enjoyed being given the opportunity to present their achievements and receive their awards. A major focus of this program is community service. Community service activities involved several workshops at the Doveton Salvation Army Warehouse and numerous sessions where volunteers assisted junior primary classes with reading.
Excursions and field trips were also a major highlight for the term. These included trips to Phillip Island and Lysterfield Lake, where students examined ways in which we can protect fragile habitats. The Phys Ed Excursion to Gravity Zone was very popular and much anticipated.
Another major focus involved our pathways team. Jodie and Pam, once again, organised and ran very successful Opportunity Knocks, and Coaching for Success days. Students were presented with opportunities to examine and explore a wide variety of career options. Visits to; Dandenong Magistrates Court, Aryzta Bakery in Dandenong South, The Valley Private Hospital in Mulgrave, Monash University Biology Department, CSR Monier in Noble Park and Yakult in Dandenong South were very instructional and well received.
Three senior executives from Monier CSR attended and assisted with group discussions during Coaching for Success. Students were divided into four groups and explored career options through an in depth examination of their strengths, aspirations and interests.
Students and parents were also heavily involved with the course selection process in preparation for V3 next year. As we bid goodbye to Term 3 we look forward to Term 4. This will be a perfect opportunity for all students to continue to build on improving subject specific skills and positive work habits in preparation for next year.
Mr Skadins
Year 9 Gravity Zone Excursion
On Tuesday, September 12 all year 9 students attended Gravity Zone, Seaford at the conclusion of their gymnastics unit. This allowed them to expand on and practice the skills they have learnt in a fun and safe environment whilst challenging themselves with new activities.
Mr Murphy
Year 9 Opportunity Knocks
This year’s event involved the students selecting a tour group and visiting two different locations. The groups visited the following locations- Tour group one CSR Monier Roofing & Yakult, Tour group 2; Dandenong Magistrates Court and Arzyta Bakery, and Tour group 3 visited The Valley Private Hospital and Monash Science precinct.
Big thank you to all of our community partners that open the doors to their business to allow us to visit. Special thanks to our ABCN Business partners – CSR Monier roofing for playing a pivotal role in our Opportunity Knocks day and Coaching for Success follow up day.
These tours are a fantastic opportunity for students and Carwatha College P-12 is proud to offer this program to our students. They visited CSR Monier roofing, Yakult, Valley Hospital and Arzyta bakery.
Rotary Youth Program Of ENrichment - (RYPEN)
On the weekend of 16th of September, Ben Bright and I had the opportunity to attend the RYPEN (Rotary Youth Programme of ENrichment) camp at Mt Evelyn. The camp provided us with the chance to improve our leadership, teamwork, communication skills, make friends and increase our confidence. All of the staff were very friendly and welcoming from the time we arrived. We participated in a range of friendship and trust-building activities, which helped us to feel comfortable and open with each other. We then moved on to sessions that were designed to increase our self-esteem, self-awareness, consider the impact of our choices, and help us deal with stress. We were also involved in a programme called the ‘Hundred Acts of Kindness’, in which we were able to nominate a charity. At the end of the camp, the more tasks that we had completed, the more money was donated to our chosen charity. It was a rewarding feeling to know that we had contributed to some worthy causes. Overall, it was a enjoyable experience, where we made friends and learned a lot about ourselves. Thank you to Rotary for this remarkable opportunity to learn and have fun.
Caitlin Mann
VCAL Crepe Day
This week as part of Carwatha College P-12’s amazing VCAL program, students were busy making and selling crepes. The crepes were a huge success across the college enjoyed by staff, primary and secondary students. Well done to our hard working VCAL students.
Busking Trio Performace at Belvedere Nursing Home
This week, our Senior Busking Trio: Filimon Moutis, Winona Bonne and Hayley Lucas went to Belvedere Nursing Home in Noble Park to sing some songs and spread some cheer. The students were greeted by a room full of residents aged between 80 and 103 years. Despite the fact that the residents weren’t familiar with “modern “ music by the likes of Ed Shearon or Bruna Mars, the residents stayed and watched and sometime added their own rhythmic clapping. Hayley, Winona and Fil played a 45 minutes set of a variety of songs – some soulful love tunes and some upbeat dance tunes. They put on a wonderful performance and I would like to congratulate them on their excellent musicianship and representing Carwatha so well.