School Sport

Congratulations to Isabella, Milla, Charley, Klaudia, Lily, Maddie and Holly T who have been selected to represent Port SAPSASA District at the Netball State Carnival to be held at ETSA Park from 28th May – 1st June 2018.
School Sport Report
This term winter sports start, including soccer, netball and the continuation of basketball.
This term we have 5 netball teams and 11 soccer teams.
Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to coach and manage these teams.
SAPSASA Football
Congratulations to Byron, Carter, Kayde, Rome, Jake and Harry who have been selected to represent Port SAPSASA District at the Australian Football State Carnival to be held at West Beach from
28th May – 1st June 2018.
Congratulations to Isabella, Milla, Charley, Klaudia, Lily, Maddie and Holly T who have been selected to represent Port SAPSASA District at the Netball State Carnival to be held at ETSA Park from 28th May – 1st June 2018
Calling Year 6/7 students!
We have struggled to field these teams in the last four years. We encourage all hockey players, even Year 5’s turning 11 this year, and anyone interested in hockey
Hockey Championships to be played 25th June- 29th June 2018
Grange Hockey Club Military Road
Two teams: Girls (14 players) Boys (14 players)
If your child is selected the cost will be $80
2 Selection trials will be as follows:
Thursday 10th and 17th May
4:00 pm - 5.00 p.m (Girls & Boys)
Venue: Port Adelaide Hockey Club: Swan Terrace Ethelton
Please see Mr Burge for more details.
Calling Year 6/7 students!
The Port District team of 14 boys will play in a SAPSASA State Carnival at West Beach from Monday 25th of June – Friday 29th of June
If your child is selected the cost will be $80
Selection trials will be as follows:
4:00p.m - 5.00p.m
Thursday – 17th, 24th, 31st May at Woodville Gardens School, Ridley Grove
The team will be selected from the 3 trials, missing sessions due to other commitments makes it difficult for your child to be selected.
Squad training will then continue on a Thursday if selected at Woodville Gardens School, Ridley Grove until carnival. (7th, 14th, 21st June)
Calling Year 6/7 students!
The Port District team of 14 girls will play in a SAPSASA State Carnival at West Beach from Monday 25th of June – Friday 29th of June
If your child is selected the cost will be $80
Selection trials will be as follows:
4:00p.m - 5.00 p.m
Wednesdays – 9th, 16th, 23rd May at Our Lady of the Visitation School (Enter via Railway Tce) Taperoo
The team will be selected from the 3 trials. Players are encouraged to attend all trials. If absent from a trial, please text the coach your apologies.
Squad training will then continue on a Wednesday if selected at OLV School (Enter via Railway Tce) Taperoo until carnival. (30th May, 6th June, 13th, 20th June)
Please see Mr Burge for more details.