Classroom News

Room 20
In term 1 we explored how living things grow and change over time. We created clay models of the different life stages of a frog using our knowledge of the predictable characteristics of a frog’s different life stages. In literacy through bookmaking, we created information books which represented the life stages of a variety of living things. We are still waiting for our class tadpoles to turn into frogs!
We also investigated how we have grown and changed since we were babies.
Room 12
Rainbow Facts
Rainbow facts are pairs of numbers that add together to make 10. The rainbow helps us to remember the pairs of facts. When we can recognise rainbow facts, we can add numbers together more efficiently.
Room 30
Room 30 is off to a flying start in Term 2, discovering the joys of Narrative writing in Literacy, the importance of investing in a positive mindset through Wellbeing and the excitement of Science. Students have become “Change Detectives” in Science, investigating chemical changes that occur in substances. Melting chocolate has been one of the changes looked at during class experiments. This nearly ended in disaster this week when teacher Kate, who is fairly new to the World of Science, burnt the chocolate and almost set the fire alarms off in the Stem room! Needless to say students are looking forward to the next instalment!
Narrative Planning
Room 22
This term we have been exploring narrative purpose and structure. We have looked at lots of stories and characters. As part of our study, we had to complete a narrative planner based on this cartoon! We used our imagination and created some interesting superhero characters!