Achievement Awards

At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.
Cooper Room 3 For always showing responsibility towards his learning
Nevaeh Room 3 For showing persistence towards challenging tasks
Elijah Room 4 For always showing respect to his peers and teachers
Katelyn Room 4 For being a respectful class member and showing care for others
Essie Room 5 For being a respectful class member and always taking care of others
Wade Room 5 For showing persistence towards challenging tasks
Gracie Room 5a For always being respectful to her peers and teachers
Jackson Room 5a For being persistent with his sight words and reading
Korben Room 10 For demonstrating persistence in all learning areas
Shelby Room 10 For always being respectful to her peers and teachers
Ziggy Room 11 For demonstrating persistence in tasks that he finds challenging
Cassady Room 11 For demonstrating persistence in tasks that she finds challenging
Briana Room 12 For demonstrating persistence in all learning areas
Aiden Room 12 For demonstrating respect to his peers and teachers
Jack Room 13 For a great effort during our number pattern unit
Rosie Room 13 For a great effort during our number pattern unit
Aiden Room 14 For being a persistent learner and always trying his best
Grace Room 14 For always showing persistence in tasks that she finds challenging
Madison Room 16 For always being respectful to her peers and teachers
Max Room 16 For showing continual persistence within all learning areas
Brylee Room 17 For showing respect to her teachers and her peers
Jack Room 17 For showing persistence in all areas of the curriculum
Ryder Room 19 For being a responsible student at all times
Georgie Room 19 For always being respectful to her peers and teachers
Kenzie Room 20 For being a respectful class member and always taking care of others
Casey Room 20 For showing persistency in numeracy
Alexa Room 22 For showing persistence in all learning areas
Samuel Room 22 For being respectful to peers and teachers
Declan Room 23 For being a persistent learner and always trying his best
Harper Room 23 For demonstrating respect to all peers and teachers
Tegan Room 26 For always showing persistence in tasks that she finds challenging Kai Renfrey26For demonstrating persistence in tasks that he finds challenging
Asher Room 27 For taking responsibility of his learning and helping others
Imi Room 27 For demonstrating persistence in tasks that she finds challenging
Kylam Room 29 For being a respectful classmate and a good friend to others. We will miss you Kylam!
Latisha Room 29 For her persistence and motivation towards her narrative writing
Maggie Room 30 For always being respectful to her peers and teachers
Joshua Room 30 For taking responsibility for the direction of his own learning
Ej Room 31 For taking responsibility for his learning and contributing frequently to class discussions
Kyla Room 31 For always showing persistence in tasks that she finds challenging
Annalise Room 32 For being a responsible learner in all areas of the curriculum
Tyler Room 32 For using well developed research skills in History
Nicholas Room 33 For taking responsibility of his own learning and constantly supporting his peers
Viyan Room 33 For being a respectful class member and always caring for others
Indonesian Award Room5 For being enthusiastic and persistent language learners
STEM Room 27 For showing respect and supporting peers with weaving
Health Room 33 For beginning the term focused and showing increased respect during health lessons.
Golden Bin Award Room 4 & 19
OSHC Award
Seavy L
For always showing the OSHC values,
being a kind and considerate friend and a very helpful OSHC student
Room 29
Principal's Attendance Award
Mitchell H
Room 31