Welcome Back to Term Four

Welcome back to Term Four and more importantly, onsite learning. It certainly has been a different year to anything else we have ever experienced; however, our Level Six children have remained stoic throughout. We are incredible proud of the way each child has met their own individual challenges during this time and are thrilled to see the children back at school.
For Level Six learners in particular, the pandemic of COVID-19 has denied them of some opportunities that they would have otherwise had. Despite this, our learners have remained positive since returning to onsite learning and seem determined to make the most of their final term of primary school. As a result, much of the discussion that has been happening in Level Six has been focusing on our Graduation and transition to secondary school (for an outline on how we are preparing the students for transition, please see our Wellbeing section).
Whilst Graduation will look a little different this year, we will still ensure that it allows the children to celebrate their time at GWPS and acknowledge all of their achievements over the journey. Graduation is an important rite of passage and we want to ensure it is memorable for all of the learners. Currently, collaboration is underway with both staff and students to develop a graduation that fits the GWPS COVID-19 Safe Plan and will also be a highlight for everyone involved.
This term will also see other highlights as we aim to get back to the routine of school. Returning to on-site learning allows us to conduct the ICAS competition, something that many of our families and learners look forward to each year. In addition to this, many of our innovation programs will resume in the fields of Mathematics, English, and Digital learning. And of course, GWPS we still be putting together a class year book, with each child recording their highlights and reflections from the year. So, despite the challenges of the year, we will still celebrate and recognise our achievements in style.
Finally, I would like to finish by acknowledging the tremendous support of the parents/guardians this year. Much of the success during the Learning from Home period was due to your diligence and willingness to support your child in amongst running a household or managing fulltime work. We sincerely thank you for all of the time and commitment you displayed during this year.
As always, we look forward to a productive term. If you ever have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach out.
The Level Six Team.