What's Been Happening?
Careers Expo
On Friday in Week 3 high school students participated in a ‘Careers to Country’ Mini Careers Expo at the Library. We had the pleasure of inviting local Mukinbudin professionals in to speak to the students about their career journey and why they have chosen to pursue a career in the country. We heard from Tara Chambers (Bank Manager), Hayden Sprigg (Farmer), Cam White (Farmer & Fisheries), Benita Moir (Agronomist), Dion Nicol (Wheat Agronomist & Physiologist) and Jay Taylor (Service Manager @ Hutton & Northey). The students asked lots of clever questions and engaged actively with our guests. We hope this inaugural expo has sparked an interest for the students to choose a career pathway that can benefit our regional areas!
Secondary Camp
Some photos from our Secondary Camp - this year with a stronger Cadets and teamwork focus. Many thanks to all of our organisers and staff and supporters who enabled this wonderful experience for our students.
MDHS enjoyed a very educational and interactive NAIDOC Day in week 5. The students and staff indulged in some damper and kangaroo sausages, meatballs and steaks as well as listening to the local language and yarns from Brian Champion. The Library was also looking fabulous for some Buddy reading sessions.
Brilliant Brains
This week was the last BB for 2020. We celebrated all things Christmas, making cards, delicious biscuits, reindeer food and much more. The lucky students received a certificate of participation and a book from Mr Baltovich and Mr Gibson.
As this is my last Brilliant Brains, I would like to thank;
- all the families for supporting the program,
- the Mukinbudin community and Businesses for contributing over the years
- Ryan, Dad and my family for supporting all the big ideas; and
- of course my right hands Allison Nixon and Jackie Hobbs.
Merry Christmas Everyone. Kari Lamond - Brilliant Brains Coordinator
MDHS would like to say a huge thank you to Kari for her efforts in developing and coordinating Brilliant Brains for so many years. It has been a valuable program for Pre-Kindy students and we wish her well as she moves into her Kindy/PP Teaching role in 2021.