School News 

Prep News

The Preps have been learning about writing for lots of different purposes this term. They've learnt how to structure a description, an information report, as well as writing a persuasive piece on which wild animal they think would be the coolest pet! We have loved reading their creative ideas. Handwriting is a focus over the coming weeks as we fine tune the formation and sizing of their letters using the dotted thirds. If your child could benefit from extra practise, some fun ideas for home could be tracing letters on the glass in the shower or painting the letters with water on the house outside! 


The Preps are exploring animals and habitats during I-Time. Check out the photos below! We're also focusing on interpersonal skills such as sharing and finding ways to solve problems. They've even unpacked the word "compromise!" 

~ Hayley Peirce & Daena Hailey

Level 1/2 News

In our classrooms and the Art Room, students have participated in activities for NAIDOC Week and Remembrance Day.  

This week we are concluding our persuasive writing unit. Students have continued to impress with their debating, and nagging, skills! Recently they completed a persuasive letter to Mr. Bradley sharing their opinions and reasons for why the school needs a swimming pool, bike track or extra options at the canteen.  

The Level 1/2 students have been eagerly exploring our creativity unit ‘Robot Buddies’ for Inquiry this Term. It has been great to have them using their creativity and problem solving skills to complete hands on activities in pairs or small groups. In the coming weeks students will begin building their individual robot box buddies in the classroom.  

Students have also begun rehearsing for our Virtual Christmas Carols, to be filmed at the beginning of December. You can expect to hear ‘Here Comes Santa Claus’, ‘Aussie Jingle Bells’, ‘Santa Claus is Coming’, ‘Santa Wear Your Shorts’ and ‘Santa Claus Is Coming To Town’ from our 1/2 classes. We can’t wait for you to see these! 

Teagan Cairns

Level 3/4 News

The Level 3/4 students have been working extremely hard over the last few weeks. In Reading they are focusing on identifying Cause and Effect within a variety of texts, to help them gain a deeper understanding of the information. It is an important skill to master in reading because it helps us to understand what is happening in a text and why. 


In Writing, the students have enjoyed creating and writing their Fractured Fairy Tales. Their work is highly imaginative and humorous. They have enjoyed putting an unexpected twist into classic fairy tales, in order to modernize them and bring them to life! They are just beginning the much anticipated  'Play Scripts' work, as part of our Creativity unit.


In Maths, we have been focusing on angles as part of our learning in Measurement and Geometry. We have leant that an angle is a measurement of turn, which is measured in degrees. The students can identify, label  and locate angles in everyday life, they have also created some wonderful angle artwork.

The Level 3/4 students have undertaken assessments in all areas of the curriculum to demonstrate their progress over the year. They have approached all tasks with resilience and determination and should be congratulated for their efforts!


It is going to be a super busy end of the year, please look out for more information about the Virtual Christmas Carols, Whole School Sports Day,  class parties, Kris Kringles and the like. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


The Level 3/4 Team 

Carolyn, Clare, Llinos and Vanessa



Level 5/6 News

In our classrooms, the Level 5/6 students have been practicing their persuasive skills in writing. They have developed persuasive essays, letters and the Grade 5 students have been excitedly developing their captaincy speeches for 2021. On Friday 20th November, Grade 5 students will be able to present their speech to their class for classroom voting, prior to being considered for leadership by the Level 5/6 teachers, specialist teachers, Mr Bradley and Ms Moore.

In Reading, Grade 5/6 have been considering author studies to consider the different crafts used by different authors. Some authors that have been a focus in our classrooms include: Alison Lester, Dr Suess, Eric Carle, Bob Graham, Colin Thompson, Shaun Tan and Pamela Allen.

In Maths, Level 5/6 have been revising concepts of the four operations and fractions, decimals and percentages. We have been completing many mathematical assessments coming to the end of a busy year and would like to commend our students on their continued resilience and Personal Best efforts.

In light of Remembrance Day, the Grade 5/6 students worked on photography skills and techniques alongside Mrs Granger to develop some Remembrance Day pieces which can be viewed in our school corridor to remember those who fought for the freedom we have today.

Level 5/6 have begun rehearsing their Christmas Carol for this year's Virtual Christmas Carols, to be filmed at the beginning of December. You can expect to hear 'Jingle Bell Rock' and 'Holly Jolly Christmas' from our 5/6 classes. We are very excited to share some Christmas joy with you!


The Level 5/6 Team:

Brendan Van Haaster, Mel Layton, Rachel Boyle, Damien Smith and Mykaela Hodgett.