Parish News 

'We are committed to the safety, wellbeing and dignity of all children and vulnerable adults.'

We want St Anthony’s Community to be ‘Together as One’ again. 


Here’s what you can do to be a part of the Variety Show: 

  1. Take a photo or a short video of yourself or family and answer the question:
  2. What are you looking forward to in 2021?
  3. Join together with a group to sing a hymn, song, or Christmas carol
  4. Show the community what you have been doing during the lockdown
  5. Record a short message of hope for the community

Please send your submission to: or whatsapp it to Anthony by Friday 4th December. 

If you need some help to record your submission please contact Anthony on 0423 048 880


From Fr Brian and Martin

Dear Parishioners,


As you may be aware of the latest easing of restrictions, We are bringing you what we received from Archbishops office.


All places of worship including churches, adoration chapels and other church buildings used for public prayer and religious services may open for permitted religious ceremonies. 


Indoors: Allowed for up to a cap of 150 people plus one faith leader with a density quotient of 1 per 4sq.m. Infants under12 months of age are not included in the cap. Contact recording and a COVIDsafe plan still required. Group arrangements within the cap are no longer required. 


Indoor religious gatherings have a maximum service length of 90 minutes, with a recommendation for 30 minutes in between services to ensure that groups do not congregate in front of and around places of worship.


  1. Bookings


For Tuesday to Friday, no bookings are needed.


For Sunday you have two options. By phone call. From 9am to 12 pm call the office on 9546 8276, and from 12pm -5pm Please phone Paddy 0422 296 961.


Secondly, you can use this form to fill for Masses.

Select what day you want to attend (29 November or 6th December) and then select time of the Mass (8:30 or 10:30), give your last name and first name, and then your contact number.  Please provide these details for everyone you are booking for.


The children who don’t have contact number, provide parents name.


The form will stop getting responses by Saturday of the respective Masses for those who are already booked by phone, there is no need to do anything.


On 13th Sunday we have our ‘COMING TOGETHER AS ONE’ Carnival. We will only have one Mass at 10:30 at the oval of the school for 300 parishioners. Followed by variety shows on site. You can book via phone now. Let us know if you are going to stay for variety shows. The online form to book will be sent you with Friday email.


  1. Remembrance Service


Tomorrow night is our Remembrance Service at 7:30pm to remember and pray for families and friend who have passed away last 12 months. Those families have been contacted by our team to come on site to join. Other please join online. Click this link to join this calming and moving service.


Keep safe

Parish Leadership team.