Sport News 

'We love getting active and learning new skills in our outside spaces.'

For the last few weeks, students have continued to participate in a range of engaging games and activities with a main focus on skills and sportsmanship. They have pushed through the weather conditions and have shown brilliant team work and resilience. 


For the last few weeks of term, students have been focusing on:

PREP: Bounce and Cooperative Games

ONE/TWO: Soccer and Hockey

THREE/FOUR: Badminton, Table Tennis and Volleyball

FIVE/SIX: Badminton, Table Tennis and Volleyball


Physical Literacy Grant 

Earlier this year, St Anthony’s were the recipients of the Sporting Schools Plus Grant. The Grant enables St Anthony’s to develop Physical Literacy in our students.

Physical literacy involves holistic lifelong learning through movement and physical activity. It delivers physical, psychological, social and cognitive health and wellbeing benefits.

Physical Literacy gives you:

·         physical skills and fitness

·         the attitudes and emotions that motivate you to be active

·         the knowledge and understanding of how, why and when you move

·         the social skills to be active with others.


As part of promoting Physical Literacy we have begun Walking Club each day at lunchtime for the students rostered on the oval. In the new year we hope to bring the students more physical activity opportunities including lunchtime sports and a variety of games and activities. 


Enjoy your weekend,

Emily Prato

Physical Education Teacher