Message from the Principal

'At our very heart is the desire for each individual student to flourish across academic, physical, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual domains. We support students to grow in virtue and to embrace a view of themselves and the world that leads to peace, justice, and the prosperity of society as a whole. Ours is a journey towards hope and optimism that is enlightened by faith and animated by love.'

Dear Families,


The joyous season of Advent begins next Sunday 29 November. As Christians, during Advent we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who has been born into human life, and we look to the future when God’s Kingdom will come.


The season of Advent reminds us that the life journey is a series of endings and beginnings – as it must be if we are to grow as human beings and as people of faith. As we prepare to ‘let go’ of 2020, we also begin looking to the year to come and all that it might bring.

It can be challenging to hold to the invitation of Advent amid the busyness of the end of the school year, and the preparations for Christmas and the holidays. But somewhere in the midst of this busyness, we are called to take time to renew our choice for love and life and open our hearts to the God who waits to be born there.

Significant work continues as we move towards the implementation of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) from 1 January 2021.

Principals of schools governed by parish priests, associations of parish priests or the Archdiocese transferring to MACS  received a formal offer this week to transfer their employment to the new entity. All staff will also receive a letter for the transfer of employment in their schools. 


The first meeting of the MACS board, under the chair Gerard Dalbosco, will take place on 1 December followed by a second meeting on 21 December. We are gradually transitioning to a new form of management and this is a very new experience for anyone who has been in Catholic Education for as long as I have.

Enjoy the next couple of weeks as we approach the first week of  Advent and as we try to ensure that our celebrations under restrictions remain child focused and happy. Please go gently as the end of year can bring anxiety and worry with the transition to new schools, levels and new challenges. It is a time to look after each other more carefully and mindfully. 

We now journey towards the end of the year and my final weeks at St Anthony's. With still so much to do in a place I love so much, I know the next few weeks will be emotional and challenging as I try and spend as much time with the children and staff as possible.  It is always a big job preparing for a new year and I aim to do this thoroughly and well so that the new Principal of St Anthony's can step into a well organised year ahead. Thank you for all of your positive wishes and support, I really appreciate it.


As always if you have any feedback, ideas or you need any assistance at all, you are always most welcome to see me, Mr James Gow, Mrs Glennis Kerr or any member of the wider school leadership team. 

God Bless,

Patrika Rowley