
We welcomed Shaun Simpson to the Wellbeing Team this term. Shaun is a Mental Health Practitioner and is part of the Department initiative that is being rolled out in South East Region. Shaun is a Registered Social Worker and comes to us having worked at Pakenham Secondary and Elizabeth Murdoch College. Shaun brings a wealth of knowledge and is already having a positive impact on our College community. 


Our Counsellors have been working hard supporting students to return to on site learning. The transition from learning from home to now being in a classroom has been challenging for some. 

Here are some tips for parents and caregivers to support children back at school post-Covid restrictions;

  • Be available to listen to any worries about being back at school. Students are navigating changes to peer relationships and being back face to face with friends. They won't necessarily 'debrief' when its convenient or when you expect. Create space for talking in different ways, such as going on a walk together or baking together – there may be less pressure in these circumstances than when sitting face-to-face.
  • Sleep routine- encourage good sleep habits including reducing screen time before bed and maintaining regular sleep times.
  • Talk about school- being back at school is normal and remind them of this. It doesn’t have to start as a conversation about worries, but these might arise as you talk.
  • Modelling coping strategies. If it applies, you could share how you are feeling about post-Covid restrictions and ways you manage these feelings.
  • Look at the positives. Encourage your child to talk about what went well at school, what they are looking for and what they are grateful for.

The Wellbeing team continue to be available to support your child to be their best self; ready to learn and contribute to our wonderful community. Please feel free to contact us if you require advice, support or referrals.



All the best,


Marianne McEwen

Wellbeing Leader