Class News 


In Prep, we have been learning about capacity. We were investigating using different solids and liquids to see which containers hold less, more and equal amounts.  We had so much fun.

We also made jelly and filled our sugar levels to capacity too.

We celebrated Remembrance day and created a poppy collage to mark our respects. We learned all about what the poppy represents on this important day.

Miss Aoife Tierney

Prep Teacher


We are extremely proud of the way the Year 4 students conducted themselves during our Sustainability Festival Incursion today.  They were challenged to think about ways they can make our world a better place by listening to numerous youth guest speakers and experts.  They took notes all day, identified key information and came up with ideas for our community.  Next year, they will be the St James Sustainability Warriors, leading the school in a variety of initiatives.  They are off to a fantastic start.

Two of our Year 4 students have shared their experience below.


On Wednesday we had an incursion about sustainability.  We learned how litter affects our environment and all the animals suffering because of litter.  They taught us lots of ways we can stop litter, including picking up rubbish when you see it and inspiring other people to do the same.  They told us we’re not alone in this and everyone should help stop litter.

James, Year 4


It was really fun.  We had Louise who told us about how she loves to make picking up litter fun.  We also enjoyed watching an Aboriginal school community gather to smoke the native acacia leaves to make a smoke that was relaxing and also healing.  Also an Aboriginal elder has to be present for a smoking ceremony to happen.  

At the very end of the day we got asked what colour is the sky?  We answered blue. She told us the colours of the sky can be red, yellow, orange, light blue, pastel blue, blue, dark blue, light purple and purple.  We were told this, because often the first answer isn’t always the right answer.

Grace, Year 4


The Year 4 students have also had fun creating Stop Motion videos.  Here is an example of their good work.


Mrs Jessica Conway

Year 3/4 Teacher