Deputy Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,


Well here we are, heading towards Week 8 of the term, restrictions have eased and the days are getting longer, coupled with lovely weather.  In some ways we can liken this transition to the 4 Seasons in the year.  We have come out of the winter dark cold months, and now we see the sun, and our spirits are energized by the sunny days and the prospect of spending time at the beach with family and friends. Of course weathewsie this could all change overnight, we do live in Melbourne! 


I usually include a prayer, however this week I’m choosing to share the following poem.  Take a moment to read through the  poem and individually or with your family reflect on what you are now thankful for.  



When this is over,

may we never again take for granted,

A handshake with a stranger,

Full shelves at the store,

Conversations with neighbors,

A crowded theatre,

Friday night out,

The taste of communion,

A routine checkup,

The school rush each morning,

Coffee with a friend,

The stadium roaring,

Each deep breath,

A boring Tuesday,

Life itself.

When this ends,

may we find that we have become

more like the people we wanted to be,

we were called to be,

we hoped to be,

and may we stay that way --

better for each other because of the worst.

                                                                                    Laura Kelley Fanucci



Please take a moment to pray individually or together as a family.  




With Summer fast approaching, a friendly reminder that students should all have their school hats at school, a water bottle to fill and hydrate during the day and their own sunscreen.

With almost 4 weeks remaining til the end of term it is opportune to talk about 2020 end of year student achievement reports and student stationery arrangements for 2021.  


End of year School Reports

The teachers and students have all been involved in the process of assessment and reporting over the last few weeks. As per mid year reports, the end of year school reports will be shared via the nForma Parent Portal on Friday  11th December.  Whilst the school ensures copies of all reports are backed up and saved, it is a good idea to download and save your child's school reports to your own device.


If your child is in Year 6 or your family is leaving our school community, please ensure that you download and save your child's reports prior to the end of the year, as your access may be restricted as early as the 1st  January, 2021.   You will be receiving additional details regarding the end of year reports and how to access them, closer to the date.


Student Stationary 2021 - New Suppliers

Covid-19 restrictions and their impact on the availability and supply of products, has been the main reason for the school sourcing a new and far more economical option for 2021 student stationery. The main difference that you will notice is that students will no longer receive individual packs delivered to your doorstep as in previous years.  Instead all items will be bulk delivered to the school and classroom teachers will then distribute the stationery to the students in their grade at the beginning of the new school year.  Further details regarding how to order will be shared shortly.


St James Virtual Art Show

Thank you to the families  who have toured our Virtual Art show and signed our guestbook.   If you haven't yet viewed the amazing St James Virtual Art show,a reminder that it can be accessed via the School Portal, the link emailed to all families or by clicking on the following link.

St James Virtual Art Show Link

Please remember to sign the Virtual Guest book!

Thank you!


Covid-19 Safety at School

At St James we have put a number of strategies in place to reduce the risk of transmission.  No one strategy is 100% effective.  


Here are just some of the ways we are doing to keep our Students, School community and Staff safe and well.


Staggered Arrival / Departure Times

The information is also available on the School Portal.  


 Social Distancing

Thank you to all parents and carers who are helping the community to stay safe and healthy by keeping 1.5m apart at drop off and pick up times.


Although physical distancing will not apply to students in class, it does still apply to staff and parents. Therefore we ask that you respect our requests to minimise contact and continue with social distancing during drop off and pick ups, adults will also need to adhere to wearing masks when in public places including drop off and pick up.



We warmly invite all families to take a virtual tour of the school.  Please leave some feedback on the link provided on the School Portal - Foundation Transition page.  We kindly ask you to promote and share the tour with family, friends and families who may be  looking for a school.


Here is the link:



St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 

Please click here to access the School Portal


Social Media

Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 

School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio

(Deputy Principal)