Student Voice 

Interview with Bronte and Justine

We have been very lucky to have two student speech pathologists completing their university placement at Numurkah Primary School over the last few weeks. Today they were interviewed by Year 6 students Shaye and Bridget.

Shaye: Why did you decide to be a speech pathologist?

Justine: I used to work as a social worker for 10 years and I would work with a speech pathologist. I saw what they did and I found it interesting so I decide to become a speech pathologist myself.


Shaye: What does a speech pathologist do?

Justine: A speech pathologist does a lot of things but we mainly focus on helping little kids with their speech, if they haven’t learnt how to pronounce certain sounds. Or if their language isn’t at the same level as their peers. Sometimes we work with people who have had a stroke.


Shaye: How are you finding it here at are school?

Justine: I love it here. All the kids love working with us and it is a very lovely and nice environment.


Bridget: Why did you decide to be a speech pathologist?

Bronte: After I graduated high school I didn’t know what to do so I decided to take a gap year and go to China. When I came back I had to make a quick decision on what I was going to do at university and I chose speech pathology.


Bridget: What does a speech pathologist do?

Bronte: We do a lot more than just help kids with the way kids talk, we help people who can’t swallow, people who have injuries or disabilities, kids with stutters, and we help kids who don’t speak at all with things like sign language or pictures so they can communicate with others.


Bridget: How are you finding it here at are school?

Bronte: The kids are so nice and the community is very welcoming and I am excited to work with more students in the school.


                                                         Written by Shaye and Bridget