From the Principal

World Teachers' Day

Thank you to our teachers and staff for all they have done in this tricky year and all that they do each day to make a difference to each child. 


Their efforts are greatly appreciated and make our school special. I love coming to work each day at St Francis de Sales and working with our sensational staff team. Happy World Teachers' Day!


Baby news




Congratulations to Amy from AM and her husband Jarrod on the safe arrival of their little boy Tom born at 8:15pm 22nd October. A baby brother for sister Elsie Rose. They are totally in love with their little man and all are doing well. We look forward to seeing Tom Frank O'Shannessy one day soon at St Francis de Sales.






School Photos

It is maybe third time lucky!! After a number of date changes we have set a new date. Now that some restrictions have been lifted our school photos for 2020 will go ahead on Tuesday 17th November. Individual portraits of each child and family groups will take place. Children will all need to be in their summer uniform on this day. Long hair will need to be tied back and black shiny shoes will need to be worn on photo day. School Pixs will combine individual photos to make a group photo. In addition staff will take group photos on this day.


Student Voice in Action


Since mid 2020 Rachel our wellbeing coordinator and I have been meeting each Monday at 1pm with some amazing ambassadors from each senior Home Group. We have one representative from each Home Group who have met nearly every week initially online and now finally in person. The team have formed our student safety committee. 


The Safety Committee's first major task has been to use our school Child Safety Policy as a springboard to write a child friendly version for our students.  They have not only achieved this but have also worked on a powerpoint to present the policy to their home groups later this term. Last week they also made an even simpler version of the Child Safety Policy for our juniors. I am so impressed with their work ethic, perseverance and ability to work collaboratively in discussions to complete this important task. meeting with this team is one of the highlights of my week.


A Big Congratulations and thanks to Abigayle, Aishwini, Charlotte, Daelan, Eden, Madison, Phoebe, Max, Mikayla and Zoe. 


Protective Behaviours

This week at our staff meeting our staff engaged with Elizabeth Fox the Respectful Relationships Project leader to work online on Protective Behaviours. 


What is Protective Behaviours Education? 

  • Aims protect children and young people
  • Gives children and adults permission to talk about problems or difficult situations they face
  • Empowers people with the right to feel safe and strategies to act to keep themselves safe
  • Provides a safe way of talking about the specific areas of child abuse and domestic violence

Protective behaviours education is based on two themes: 

Theme 1: We all have the right to feel safe all the time


As part of helping children to identify safe and unsafe feelings we will explore Early Warning Signs.



Theme 2: We can talk with someone about anything, no matter what it is


As part of exploring seeking help we will help children to develop and regularly review their network and adults they can trust to talk to at school and in the community.


Parents can learn these strategies as well and practice them with their child. 

"You have a right to be safe all the time and you can talk with someone about anything, no matter what it is."


COVID Safety

It is great to be able to move freely, go shopping, catch up with family/friends outdoors and cautiously indoors and even get a haircut!!


Given these changes we believe it is now time to just have both drop off and pick up times reverting to our pre-COVID times. 


There is no supervision before 8.30am, no child should be walking, riding or entering the school grounds before this time.

  • Thus if you are dropping your child at the drop off point in the carpark you can do this after 8:30 am each day.
  • If you are picking up your child via the drive through you can do this from 3:20pm daily.
  • Staggered pick up at the Home Group doors if you are walking or riding a bike will remain in place at this time.

Please ensure you keep moving, it is a kiss and drop Zone. Please do not get out of your car or stop in the queue and cause cars to bank back behind you.


I thank parents for their cooperation during this difficult time.


Christine White
