Library News....

What a wonderful Book Week we are having....


There has been much happening throughout the school and more to come...

Shared Reading...

 Each day classes have combined and have read to each other in our DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read). On Wednesday we went outside and enjoyed being in our costumes, reading  and the beautiful weather....

Book Week Parade

Wednesday was a highlight with our Book Week Parade. All students and staff came together to celebrate and enjoy. 

There were so many wonderful and creative costumes. Many thanks to our wonderful compere Jadon, Shae and Armita from Room 5 who did an outstanding job.

Library Activities

Students this week have had the opportunity become "Curious Creatures" during their library visit to explore and experience a range of activities.


We have had rocks and minerals to look at, silkworms spinning  cocoons, underwater animal viewing, measuring activities and a range of other activities. Our star of the show was of course "Scooby" our Bearded Dragon Lizard. He  was very interested in everyone and enjoyed his pats and chats during the day.



We were also fortunate enough to be able to watch several webinars this week. The first was illustrator "Marc McBride" and the second was Bernard Caleo who led a comic workshop. Students were very engaged and produced some great work. 

Next Thursday we will be watching Splash Theatre Company Performance for Book Week.



We finish our Book Week celebrations with our assembly on Friday morning and shared art activities during the day. On Friday we will announce the winner of our Book Mark Curious Creatures Competition.


Thank you for all making it a special and memorable week.