Aboriginal Education 

For Spread the Word this term, we are learning words from a very special book called ‘Baby Business’.

 This book is written and illustrated by Darug woman, Jasmine Seymour.  

This book tells the important story of the baby smoking ceremony that welcomes babies to their Country. The smoke is a blessing that will protect the baby and always remind them where they are from, it keeps them connected to their Country.  



We will be teaching you language in the same 4 languages as last term – Kaurna, Ngarrindjeri, Pitjantjatjara, Warlpiri and adding in Darug language from NSW where Jasmine is from.  


The first word from Baby Business that we will learn is ‘child’.  


In Kaurna language you can say child like this: wakwaku 

In Ngarrindjeri they say po:rl  

Warlpiri people say kurdu 

Pitjantjatjara mob say tjitji 

And Darug say gurung 



We hope you can remember these words in language and SPREAD THE WORD!