From the Principal

A warm welcome to everyone - our first Newsletter for term 4!

The staff and students have all settled quickly into teaching and learning routines and it has been a fantastic start to our final term for the year.



We have moved into our two new temporary modular classrooms.

Room 18 has Year 1 and 2 students – their teacher is Simone Bakolias.

Room 19 will be used for The Arts program – Sarah Robertson has moved in from the PAC.

This gives us the PAC space back now so classes can use it for indoor PE and buddy class activities.

Next time you are at school – have a look – the new classes have very large windows!



This has been a huge success with classes undertaking a range of learning activities each day. 

Our parade on Wednesday was wonderful! There were so many very creative costumes and masks.

Thank you to Sue Moroney and the Book Week staff and student team for organising our week.



Selected students from across the school who have demonstrated our school values as well as a passion for science will be attending the Planetarium with Mr M on November 5th.

This will be a great learning experience for these students.



Nina Tanner and Kate Lewis will be working with some students in our Interoception Room. Interoception is the ability to “read” the signs in our body that tell us when we are stressed, frightened, nervous, relaxed, happy etc.

If we can recognise these signs when they happen we are able to successfully regulate our behaviour and be successful learners.

The Interoception Room is used daily. All staff have undertaken professional learning on Interoception and all classes are practising daily physical exercises to help them begin to learn more about Interoception and self regulation.

Four staff members visited Hackham East Primary School on Monday to see what they are doing to implement Interoception as a whole school program. 

This is a program we are really excited about – it is already making a positive difference to our students’ ability to self manage their emotions and behaviours.



Term 4 always flies past – we are all looking forward to a really positive term of learning and celebrations to end what has been a very different and challenging year for all of us.