Principal's Message
(Heads, Hearts & Hands)
Liam Buckley
Principal's Message
(Heads, Hearts & Hands)
Liam Buckley
And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”
Dear Families
Welcome to Week 2 of Term 3.
We are back!!
We are inviting parents and pre-schoolers to visit St Joseph's on Thursday afternoons on the following dates between 2.30pm - 3.30pm:
Please let friends and neighbours know if they are looking for a school for 2023.
It's an informal and fun way to visit St Joseph's and meet some staff and children.
This week we look forward to our Year 4 students making their First Holy Communion on Wednesday evening here at St Joseph's at 6pm. We invite you all to pray for our students and you are welcome to join us for the sacrament.
Our swimming program has been going really well and the final session is on Wednesday.
It has been great to see the improvement and the excitement of the children during the program.
Our Netball Lightning Premiership Mixed Team are the HOLT District champions and will be representing the HOLT District at the Beachside level on Wednesday. Thank you to Mrs Phyland and Ms Sullivan for your expert coaching and umpiring and good luck on Wednesday.
Please note that there will be a school closure day on Sept 9th (Friday) for Staff professional development. This extra day has been granted by MACS due to the disruption schools have had due to staff shortages with COVID.
Extra-curricular Clubs at St Joseph's
Our clubs start this week with Games Club today and Chess Club tomorrow.
After School Art with Jo
Please see Cathy to pay for Art Club which starts on Thursday.
Cladding works
We are really grateful to Crosier Scott and Baxter Construction for the way in which they delivered on the removal and replacement of the cladding at school. They completed the job in half the time and we are thrilled with the new and improved cladding around the building.
Please see P&F page
Working Bee
We will conduct our first Working Bee on Sunday 7th August. Anyone who wants to join us for a couple of hours from 10am onwards will be treated to a sausage and will in the expert hands of Lou Murray. We will be focusing on the garden areas and also we hope to have a crew of parents with pressure washers to clean up the paths and steps etc. More info closer to the time.
Homework Policy
The newly reviewed Home Work will be sent home very soon. It should make our approach to learning at home much more consistent and transparent for parents. It will outline some of the evidence base around homework and also it will outline the minimal expectations from teachers each week. For example in our junior classes it will outline what day the readers are changed and come home, the words for spelling and writing etc. In the seniors there will be additional work to reinforce the learning in class.
School Readiness Session
(for kinder parents) 9-10am
Please let friends and family know that we will be running a 'School Readiness Session' here at school on Friday 29th July 2022.
We will continue to host Open Days in Term 3 - please encourage anyone you know to visit if they are looking for a great school next year.
They will be on Thursday mornings between 9am - 11am, personalised tours are available through the office any day of the week.
Other dates:
School Closure dates (non student days) : |
Friday 9th Sept (School Closure PD) |
October 28th (Friday before Melb Cup weekend) |
Nov 1st (Melbourne Cup Day) |
Check out the website for bookings if you are interested.
Please click on this link to place a lunch order