From the Principal 

Week 9 Term 2 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to the last newsletter of Term 2. I would like to take the opportunity to thank our community for your support.  A perfect example of this support was for the first time we were able to take our Yr. 3/4 students away on camp. It was wonderful to see so many students strive in this environment.  On Tuesday the Yr 5/6s attended Genazzano where they were given the opportunity to view the dress rehearsal of the the junior musical "High School Musical".  Hopefully this has inspired many  of our students to try out for the main roles  for our production which will be held in the last week of Term 3.


Parent/teacher/student conferences

Just a reminder that the parent/teacher/student conferences will be held  this afternoon/evening and tomorrow morning. Please ensure you have made a time with your child's teacher. The meetings this evening are face to face whilst tomorrow will be held online. 



Congratulations to all the children who celebrated their First Eucharist last weekend. It was a special time for them and their families. It was wonderful to see the church full with families and friends supporting the children.  Fr John mentioned in his homily that God is a verb not a noun. I know this resonated with many people in attendance as well as myself. It's something we all can think about.


COVID requirements

As of next term schools will not be  required to ask parents if they are vaccinated. This will apply to anyone wishing to help in the canteen, classroom, excursions etc.  I thank our community for your cooperation over the past 2.5 years.  Once the schools operational guidelines are updated I will provide further information.


St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal

Thank you to our wonderful community who have so generously supported this year's winter appeal. In the picture below you will see how many baskets were made up due to your generosity.  

I also know many families on the weekend donated financially at mass.

On the weekend a representative from St Vinnies spoke at the masses about how the number of meals provided by their soup van has increased from 250,000 a year pre COVID to 450,000 a year post COVID. 


Major Fundraiser

Hopefully everyone has received the invitation from the Parents Association  to our major fundraising event of  the year "OPA! -Trivia Night".  Its a wonderful opportunity to gather as a community to raise funds for the redevelopment of the playground ( sandpit area and surrounds). I ask that you please book early which will allow time for the organisers to cater for everyone.

Yr 5/6 Camp 2023

Next year we plan on returning to Canberra for our Yr 5/6 camp. More information will be provided early third term. We are just finalising the costs. The intention is to fly to and from Canberra. This camp supports the Civic and Citizenship component of our curriculum.



If anyone needs RATS  for the holidays please collect them from the office.



Have a wonderful holiday and see everyone on Monday the 11th July.

