Sustainability at SJV

Take Away Cups Recycling

Here at SJV, the staff are going to try use less take away cups. When a take away cup is used we are going to collect them as a staff and drop them off at a participating 7/11 store to be recycled. You can do the same at home or even take the initiative to where you work place! See image below to see how you can drop off your cups at participating 7/11 stores. 

Every cup counts. 

Just like collecting soft plastics you can do the same for take away cups. The more sustainable way would be to not use take away cups and use re-useable ones but as we all know that is not always going to happen. It would be great if you could follow some or all of the SJV sustainability initiatives at home by doing the same - collecting them and dropping them at 7/11 for recycling.


For more information see:

Put your cups in the tubs provided!
Put your cups in the tubs provided!

Soft Plastics Recycling

Don't forget our soft plastics initiative...  you can also talk to your children about this and do it at home. Collect your soft plastics(food/crumb free) and drop them off at Coles or Woolworths to be recycled! (Put them in the bins at the store- see the picture above.)


Tip: You can use an already empty soft plastics bag like a bread bag or frozen veggies bag to place your soft plastics in! Double whammy! 

Every piece counts!


Kindest Regards,

Jane Lancaster, Beth Lacey and Georgina Torrisi

The Sustainability Team