Leadership Report
Semester One Student Reports
As we approach the end of Semester One, teachers at APS have been busily writing student reports to provide families with student achievement and progress.
The student reports follow the guidelines from the Victorian Department of Education, which requires teachers to report directly against the Victorian Curriculum F-10 achievement standards. Teachers use the Victorian Achievement Standards to make judgements about each student’s level of achievement and provide a statement that reflects where the student is located on a learning continuum for all curriculum areas taught during the reporting period. Teachers are asked to ensure that the reports include short sentences, that are easy to understand and are based on evidence, not opinion. The Semester One reports will have be released to the community today (Friday 24th June) and can be accessed through Compass. Parents and carers will have an opportunity to discuss the school report with teachers during Parent Teacher Conferences, which will be held in Term Three. Booking is done through Compass.
For students who are sitting above or below the expected level, teachers create an Individualised Education Plan (IEP). An IEP describes the adjustments, goals and strategies designed to meet the student's educational needs to enable them to reach their potential. Students who currently have an IEP will have an opportunity to discuss progress with teachers during Parent Teacher Conferences. There are other students that receive an IEP, including students in out-of-home care, Koorie students and students supported under individualised disability funding programs including the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) and Disability Inclusion. More information about IEPs can be found here.
Parent Helpers
Mid-Term 3, we will begin welcoming parents into classrooms as parent helpers. A google form will be sent out early in Term 3 for parents to express their interest in being a parent helper, followed by an information session for parent helpers. Parent Helpers will begin approximately Week 5, after P-4 swimming. More information will be shared on Compass.
End of Term Reminder
The end of term is always a good time to do a check of things before the beginning of the new term.
- Ensure names can still be seen on clothing, lunchboxes, drink bottles, etc.
- A good clean out of the school bag to air it out.
- Any library books or home reading books that need to be returned to school.
- Is all medical information for your child is up to date at the school?
- Have you moved house and need to notify us of your new details.
It has also come to our attention that some students in the school may have head lice and we seek your cooperation in checking your child’s hair leading into the school holidays. Please check your child’s hair and in those instances where head lice or eggs are found, treat your child’s hair. Please visit here for advice on finding, treating and preventing head lice.
Thank you,
Aberfeldie Primary School