Important Notices 

Feedback in Maths Cycles

How does feedback work in Maths Pathways?

As part of the fortnightly cycles used in Maths Pathways, every student has an individual feedback session with their teacher after each test.

What happens in these feedback sessions?

These sessions traditionally begin with exploring the goal that the student had set for themselves for the completed previous cycle and analysing whether this has been achieved. In these feedback sessions, students then go over their test with their teacher and look at what they mastered as well as areas for improvement. Although the teacher will not cover mathematical concepts within the interview sessions, they will take note of the concepts that students are having difficulties with and discuss any focus groups or targeted interventions required in the next cycle.

They discuss the student’s achievement level, growth, accuracy and effort within these sessions and record the results in the MATHS Tracker, which can be found in the front of students’ Maths books. Finally, the student and teacher work together to set a goal for the coming fortnight. These goals are tailored to assist students with developing positive work habits to enable them to achieve their best.

For more information about how your student is tracking, feel free to ask them about their growth, accuracy and effort from last cycle and what goal they have set for themselves moving forwards. As always, do not hesitate to contact your student’s Maths teacher if you would like more details about this process.  

 Lunch Order Bags

Thank you to all parents who purchased the lunch order bags.  The bags have now been ordered and will be delivered shortly.

School Uniform Reminder

Black shoes are required. Please be mindful that this is the approved school uniform and reflects pride and commitment to our agreed culture.


If there is an issue please discuss with your child’s Homegroup teacher so we can help.

New Name - New Chapter

Receipt Distribution

The office aims to provide payment receipts to parents while they are at the office. The only reasons for parents not being handed over immediately to parents are if there is an issue with computers or a student has handed in the money to Middle Years Office Drop Box or handed to their teacher on Early Years. 


On Middle Years receipts are held in the office ready for collection once processed. We will destroy receipts at the end of the year.  Students and parents are welcome to come to the office to collect the receipts. On Early Years, receipts will be handed to the student's teachers to return to students.    If receipts are not collected by the end of the year, they will be securely destroyed.

Footy/Sports Day

Kelly Sports at the Lakes

Do your kids love to run and play sports?  Then why not give Kelly sports a go - after school every Tuesday at Primary Campus.

Attendance - Every Day Counts

If you are aware that your child will not be attending school due to illness or other circumstances, please ensure that you contact either office to ensure our attendance records are accurate.  Ways of communicating absences include:

  • Calling the office;
  • Sending an SMS on 0427 226 537;
  • Placing a future Absence Request through  the Parent SENTRAL Portal.

As required by the Department of Education, all schools must notify parents informing that their child is absent.  Please inform the office of absences before 10am each morning. 

Sentral Parent Portal Access

The Sentral Parent Portal is the primary method for home-school communications at The Lakes.


We are excited to say that most families have access to the Parent Portal. The portal allows students and parents\carers to keep up to date with important information and communication. This includes student academic reports, parent-teacher interview bookings and permission for students to attend camps, sport and excursions.


The Student and Parent Portal can be accessed at school, from home and from mobile devices. To assist families without internet facilities at home, The Lakes has installed mobile technology devices into both the EY and MY offices for families to access.


If you are experiencing any issues with Sentral, please contact either office to assist you.