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UAC - Access and Scholarship Programs are Now Open
Schools Recommendation Schemes, Educational Access Schemes and Equity Scholarships are all open for applications.
By opening earlier this year it gives you more time to arrange your supporting documentation like records of attendance, educational impact statements all before the pressure of final exams.
If you may be eligible for these schemes begin your application as soon as you have applied through UAC.
Equity Scholarships
University of Sydney Scholarships Information Evening
30 July. 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Eastern Avenue Auditorium, Eastern Avenue , The University of Sydney
If you are a Year 12 student, join us on campus for an informative evening where current students and staff will answer the important questions on scholarships
Reminder - UNSW Degrees and Scholarships Info Evening
11 June, 13 June, 20 June
At UNSW Sydney, we know that choosing what to study at university can be a complex decision. That’s why we’re holding the UNSW Degree and Scholarships Information Evening.
University Of Sydney – Years 10, 11, 12 Parent And Community Info Evening
Max Webber Library, Blacktown
Tuesday 7 May 2019, 6-8pm
Whitlam Library, Cabramatta
Tuesday 4 June 2019, 6 - 8pm
Ingleburn Library, Campbelltown
Thursday 6 June 2019, 6 - 8pm
These evenings provide parents and caregivers of Year 10, 11 and 12 students with the tools to support their children in making informed choices and decisions as they progress through school and transition to university. Hear from and speak to University staff, faculty representatives and current university students about subject selection, pathways, degrees, and careers.
University of Sydney - Project Management Winter Camp
July 2019.
Watch this space.
Years 10–12. This two-day intensive workshop offers an introduction to project management and where this dynamic field can take you. Hear about project management degrees, careers and pathways and try your hand at working on authentic case studies. The camp includes a site visit to a large project management organisation to learn about projects in action. Places are limited.
Create Your Career – UNSW
29 May. 6pm to 8.30pm
UNSW Randwick Campus, Colombo Theatres
To help you start to shape your career and the study pathway to get you there, the UNSW Co-op Program has assembled a lineup of Industry Leaders in key sectors at our Create Your Career sessions.
Each session will include:
- An introduction to the breadth of career opportunities available in the sector
- Insights from industry leaders and professionals
- Highlights from current Co-op scholars studying and working in the sector
- Q&A panel of all speakers
UTS Bachelor of Accounting Information Evening
14 May 2019, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
If you are a high achieving school leaver and believe you could be one of Australia’s future business leaders, then the Bachelor of Accounting cooperative education scholarship program has been designed just for you. The Bachelor of Accounting provides you with a multi-skilled accounting degree with strong emphasis on both accounting and financial management, both essential business tools.