What's been Happening
Principal's Report
Dear parents and members of our school community,
Welcome to the end of Week 3. We have had another fortnight at Cowra High School with many things happening academically and extra curricular activities.
This week our Year 7 and 9 students sit the NAPLAN. Feedback from our staff was that our students participated in these diagnostic assessments with enthusiasm and rigour. Whilst a lot of attention is placed on NAPLAN in the media at this time of the year, the results of each student’s assessment gives our staff another measurement which can assist in determining our next steps for the individual needs of our students which is highly valuable. A big thank you goes towards the staff and students who cooked breakfast for all students sitting the NAPLAN three days straight. Looking after the wellbeing of our students is a high priority, sitting these tests with breakfast is very important, allowing students to achieve without distraction.
I would like to congratulate the staff who organised the Mental Health Roadshow for our Cowra High School students. This was a day where education was provided to our students inviting external agencies in to speak about their experiences and teach our students where to go when they need to seek support for their Mental health and wellbeing.
Do it for Dolly Day is an initiative which aims to extend the Dolly’s Dream message within the community and build on the support available for those impacted by bullying. With one in four students bullied and one in five cyber bullied, Dolly’s father, Tick, said he hoped a community show of strength would drive home the anti-bullying message on Do it for Dolly Day. Cowra High also raised money for Dolly Day where students wore their best rural outfits supporting such a worthwhile initiative.
Many sporting events have taken place over the last two weeks where Cowra High Students have worked together as a team and challenge themselves outside of the classroom. Students have competed in Squash, Tennis, Open Touch Football, Fast Five Netball and Hockey. Congratulations to all these teams and a big thank you to the staff who go above and beyond to take students away to compete in these events.
Wiradjuri Language Camp was held in Wagga and Aunty Robyn Coffey and Damien Johnson took our selected students for three days. Feedback from the students was they had an outstanding time and learnt a great deal about how to contribute to informing, strengthening and connecting students to language and culture through sharing of knowledge and resources.
Three Cowra High School students attended Panthers run Sticks to Stadium – a community program designed to educate and inspire Indigenous youth from regional communities. The Sticks to Stadium program sponsors Indigenous youths aged 8 - 16 from regional NSW for a four-day, three-night visit to Penrith to enjoy once-in-a-lifetime experiences with the Panthers. This opportunity is very worthwhile for our boys as it provides them with city experience and challenge themselves to move out of their comfort zones and learn about how much they can push themselves.
Our students are afforded so many opportunities at Cowra High School and I am sure, sometimes, the balance between being in the classroom and being a part of a number opportunities can cause some anxiety. Whilst the number of extra curricula activities is enormous, it remains the student and their parents’ responsibility to determine the right mix of time spent in the classroom and outside of the classroom; remembering our core business is quality teaching and learning.
This term has many opportunities for students to participate and build confidence to challenge themselves and tryout for a team, project or workshop. ‘Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try’. Focus for this term is for students to find the inner strength to participate regardless of the outcome. Cowra High School staff thrive on providing opportunities for all students in and out of the classroom and enjoy watching their success.
Helene Hamilton
Relieving Principal
Thank you Woolworths Cowra!!
Our thanks go to Woolworths Cowra for cooperating with us to provide breakfast for the students while NAPLAN was on. The students and staff really appreciate it!!
Support News
Omega class have enjoyed painting pots and planting their seedling plant from our garden for Mother's Day.
Mental Health In Schools Conference
The annual Mental Health in Schools conference was held at Luna Park in Sydney on May 16 and 17. The conference conducted by Propsych attracted Teachers, School Counsellors and Psychologists with this year’s theme being Shifting the script: Considered and Disruptive Approaches.
A variety of presenters spoke on the vital role that schools can play in the mental health of young people; awareness of warning signs; how and where to direct students for assistance; knowledge about lifestyle factors that can assist mental health, and the impact of social media and technology.
Challenges remain as schools navigate the best way to assist students in maintaining wellbeing, and how to develop a mental health action plan that meets the need of its students and staff.
The Beyond Blue organization has developed a national framework for Mental health titled BE YOU. This contemporary interactive, evidence-based framework, has professional learning for teachers consisting of 13 modules focused around building mentally healthy communities. This initiative is funded by the Australian Government as a free resource for educators.
I appreciate the opportunity that Cowra High School provided me so that I could attend the conference and enhance my understanding of mental health and wellbeing for students.
Di St Clair
Year 11 Advisor