Year 1 - Minibeasts
Term 2 has seen the Year 1 area crawling with mini beasts! It all stated when we became mini entomologists, venturing out into the school yard to find various mini beasts. We zoomed in closely using our iPads while examining external features of our tiny friends.
Students delved more deeply into names and external features of various mini beasts when they chose a mini beast to make! Students could make either a snail, spider or a butterfly, we learnt that different mini beasts move around in different ways, some fly, some crawl while others slither.
A highlight has been our recent mini beast incursion where students were able to closely observe a large selection of Australian mini beasts including caterpillars, snails, cockroaches and even spiders! We were able to ask many questions of our visiting mini beast expert.
Here is what some of our students had to say about the incursion:
I liked the spiders. I also liked touching the rainbow beetle.
I liked touching the snail’s shell, I also liked looking at the tiny spiders through the jar.
I liked touching the stag beetle. I also liked seeing a cockroach and a spider! My favourite part was touching the stag beetle, I’ve never touched a mini beast before.