Year 7
In Year 7 STEM this year we have learned to code Scratch, Swift Playgrounds, Lego MINDSTORMS or dash. At the start of Term 1 we started on Scratch in making games with different skill needed and was a good way to start. In Term 2 we started Swift Playgrounds, to learn how to code using a text based coding language by using it to solve puzzles and using conditional coding to make our code better.
During this time l got a to experiment with the Hummingbird Duo micro controller which I coded sensors and LEDs using Scratch. Before I could code it I had to connect wires to start the sensor/LED but that was l little more complex to use. Some others used the dash robots some people want to adding xylophones to make a song. Finally, we used Lego MINDSTORMS which are Lego robots that are made from Lego which have different abilities depending on what you add on to them. I programmed a claw. Well that’s all I have to talk about. Bye!
Melandre 7A
Year 5 STEM in Action…
The Year 5 STEM enhancement class have been very busy and engaged this semester. This has been their first taste of STEM at The Lakes, and so far, we have been very impressed with their skills and creativity. Our topic this term has been developing Push and Pull pneumatic devices using syringes. The design entails two syringes attached at either end of a rubber tube. When one syringe is pushed, it creates air pressure inside the tube, which then forces the opposite syringe out. The students were asked to design and create an object that can move with this resulting force. Some examples of designs included a flower blossoming open, a vampire sucking blood, an elevator and a volcano. Students were very excited to share their designs with each other.