Playing like a star!

Our Year 9 Guitar stars

Year 9 Elective Music

Every Monday afternoon, a group of enthusiastic Year 9 Elective Music students have been practicing their guitar skills. In these extra guitar lessons, we’ve been able to refine and review skills taught in class such as chords, strumming, scales and improvisation. These dedicated group of students have been steadily improving, excelling and applying this knowledge to their class performances.  So what do you dedicated group of guitar stars have to say?

“The classes have been really fun and we have learnt a lot from them this term”

“I have enjoyed learning how to do guitar solos”

“I am looking forward to using the electric guitar next term”

Mr A Faga, Music / Guitar teacher

Passion for Music?


This PCYC  program is a chance for high school age youth with a passion for music to learn to create, perform and record music in a group of like minded people, ending with a concert experience.

If  you are interested or have any questions feel free to contact PCYC Liverpool on 02 9608 6999 and ask for Mitchell.   Thank you.    Mitchell Davis,   Activities officer at PCYC Liverpool