Making the world a better place

Getting involved

Rotary is a worldwide organisation of business, professional and community leaders. Clubs are non-political, non-religious and open to all cultures, races and creeds. Richly rewarding, Rotary International gives you the opportunity to 'pay it forward' and to have a positive impact wherever you choose.


While developing business networking opportunities and building lifelong friendships Rotarians experience personal growth in an organisation that is respected worldwide for its high values and standards.

The magic of Rotary is that it allows ordinary people to achieve the most extraordinary things. By using the powerful synergy of one, people unite to achieve exceptional change. Many ordinary members of Rotary have developed projects that have brought significant change whilst experiencing personal growth in an organisation that is respected worldwide for its high values and standards.

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written by Monique Grant, Year 11:

On Monday, 12 March, I along with four other Year 11 students from our Modern History class, were given the privilege to attend the Rotary Dinner organised by the Cabramatta Rotary Club to celebrate youth activities.  It was a lecture and a dinner. Mrs Haskett, our Head Teacher History, accompanied us to this event.


The dinner surrounded the concept of the relevance of history in the digital age where we gained a more thorough understanding of the correlation between the two junctures. Amongst this gained knowledge, we also got insight as to what it means to be a Rotarian. Rotary International is an international service organisation who aims to bring together business and professional leaders in order to promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene, support education and to grow local economies. The dinner not only expanded my horizons of the outer world and how our world is evolving but the dinner also has inspired me to apply these concepts and ethics into our school. Solely inspired but the Rotary Dinner, I personally aim to integrate these projects and programs into our school community to help our school to continue to keep up with the pace of our ever-evolving outer world, give back to our community and further improve our quality of life regardless of race, religion, colour, creed and sexual orientation. Ultimately, the evening allowed us to truly decipher the world that we’re living in now and how we can actively participate amongst the continuity and change.