What's Happening?
Term 1
Wednesday 5th February - No School for Preps
Thursday 6th February - Welcome back BBQ & Meet the Wellbeing Team
Monday 10th February - Friday 21st February - Swimming Program
Wednesday 12th February - No School for Preps
Wednesday 19th February - No School for Preps
Friday 21st February - Whole School Pool Picnic
Wednesday 26th February - No School for Preps
2020 Term Dates
Term 1
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
Swimming Program
Today all students received their permission form and information about the 2020 Swimming Program. Please ensure all permission forms and payment are returned by Thursday 6th February.
The continued success of our Swimming Program depends upon the valuable support from parents. Being involved as a helper is a rewarding experience. It is not a necessity that you are able to swim yourself. Should you have any queries, please contact your class teacher or the school office. All helpers are required to have a current Working With Children's Check which is available at no charge for volunteers. If you are able to help out please fill in the form attached to the Swimming Permission note or let the office know.
Annual Confidential Student Information - 2020
This annual form has been sent home today with the eldest student in each family. It is the main source of contact and general permission information, so please read the note carefully, fill out the form and return it to school as soon as possible. This year the form is coloured GREEN. Forms are due back to school by Friday 7th February.
Sunsmart & Hydration
Students must have bucket hats at school at all times (this will be “officially policed” from next Monday onwards). Children are allowed to access their water-bottles from their bags during the class-time day. (Drinks other than water during class-time are not accepted). Sunscreen is available in all rooms but children can also use their own familiar brands from home. Sun-glasses (UV & safety approved) are also accepted as part of the Sunsmart program. Please make sure all items are labelled.
Homework Club
Homework Club will be running again during 2020. For further information please see the attached note. If your child would like to attend Homework Club please print the attached note and return to the school office. Printed notes are also available at the office.
Breakfast Club
Welcome to 2020!
One of the benefits we enjoy at Numurkah Primary School is our wonderful Breakfast Club Program. We are looking forward to another great year of sharing breakfast together. Foodbank Victoria and our great community volunteers ensure breakfast is available to all students - we meet in the multipurpose room on Monday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 am.
Stay tuned for new foods that will be making their way into our menu this year!
See you next Monday!
Tam Joyce