From the Principal's desk

Welcome to 2020

Although we have only been back for less than a week, it is great to see that the children have settled into their learning so quickly. To celebrate our return to school and the beginning of the 20s we would like to welcome our families to a free BBQ on Thursday 6th February. Looking at the weather it is promising to be in the low to mid 30s - perfect BBQ weather! The BBQ will begin at and then at 6.30pm,  in the P-2 Open Area, we will have an introduction to our wellbeing team and handy hits for parents to help children with their reading, especially Prep parents. Some of our senior students will run some fun activities on the front lawn for the students.


We welcome quite a few new staff members to our school this year.  Shanae McPherson, our new trainee, will be assisting in the office and in our literacy intervention program, along with  Shannon Martin, our work experience student who will be with us on Wednesdays. Also Rachel Robertson (Psychologist) and Hayley Tapscott (Occupational Therapist) have joined our wellbeing team for one day a week.  We welcome our new Prep/1 teacher, Brooke Allen. We  have also had Leah Laidlaw and Brittany Sutton assisting in the Prep/1 classrooms in the last week. 


A reminder that our school assemblies are on Friday afternoons at 2.50 pm in the P-2 area. This Friday we will be presenting out House and School Captains with their leadership badges.


Please see below for a full list of our staffing.


Staffing 2020

Principal – Debbie Oliver

Business Manager – Ann Shephard

Administration – Danielle Sullivan (Communication Coordinator)

Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator - Rohan Lelliot

Disabilities Support and Out of Home Care Coordinator- Deb McKeown

Speech Pathology –  Elizabeth Ruscoe

Occupational Therapist - Hayley Tapscott

Psychologist - Rachel Robertson

Intervention Coordinator– Denise Riordan

Intervention/Office Support--Shanae McPherson, Shannon Martin

Intervention Staff – Kylie Jones, Deb McKeown, Amy Ellis

Chaplain: Tamara Joyce


Classroom Teachers

Prep/1 -  David Jenner (Leading Teacher) & Brooke Allen  

Year 1/2 - Narelle Robertson

Year 2/3  - Mikaela Cottingham 

Year 3/4 - Rob Smith, Julie Wilkinson, Jody Tilley (Monday)

Year 5/6 - Jenny Sartoria (Senior Team Leader), Jacqueline Hope (Learning Specialist)


Specialist Teachers

Science – Rohan Lelliott (Wellbeing Co.ordinator)

Art/Music – Michelle Davis

Library (Years 3-6)  - Debbie Oliver


We will continue to  include a regular feature in our newsletter for our school policies. These were all updated and approved by school council  and can be found on our website. This week we have highlighted our school values statement. All other policies can be accessed on our website.