Performing Arts
VCE Drama Performance "Home"
Congratulations to the students of the VCE Drama class who performed their ensemble performance as part of their assessment. Family and friends gathered as an audience for the class to present their interpretation and stories regarding ‘Home'. Each group worked for weeks on developing, creating, rehearsing and performing a 15-30 minute performance. They had to ensure the use of playmaking skills, that dramatic elements were evident and base their interpretation on a theatre practitioner.
CESC is very proud of the class as they produced thought provoking, polished performances which displayed mature reflections on the variation of what "home" means.
Year 10 Drama Victorian Theatre Festival
CESC will be hosting the Drama Victorian Theatre Festival next week Wednesday 7pm for the South Eastern Cluster and the Year 10 Drama class will be presenting their performance. Participating students took part in 4 key festival phases; Preliminary Inquiry, Stimulus Day, Devising Process, and Performance Season, each of which contributes to the educational, artistic & community building outcomes of the festival. The students have been working hard with the chosen stimulus of the Stolen Generation. The festival has worked with industry and educational facilitators from Drama Victoria, The University of Melbourne, Monash University, Deakin University and La Trobe University, with many being present at the event.
After attending their stimulus day, each participating school engages in a 5 – 6 week in-school devising process during which they prepare and rehearse a 10 – 15 minute ensemble performance in response to the festival stimulus material. Participating teachers are supported by the DVTF during this phase through collaborative online discussions with the Festival Creative Director and the other teachers in their Performance Cluster.
Clusters of participating schools will gather at CESC for a rehearsal day and performance night where they share their performance work with each other and family and friends. A panel of artists and educators will provide feedback on each performance as part of the performance night which has a community-building and celebratory focus (not a competitive one).
We wish all out Year 10s the best of luck for their performance on Wednesday 5th June.
Year 9 Showcase "At the Movies!"
Congratulations to the Year 9 Performing Arts Pathway students who performed on Tuesday 28th May. Your performances were inspiring and showed your love for performing arts. Students put a lot of hard work and time into preparing for their performances like seasoned professionals. Thank you for being wonderful representatives of what CESC performing arts programs are all about; creativity, artistry, teamwork, kindness and respect to your fellow peers and beyond.
The showcase demonstrated a determination to empower each student to shine in their areas of strength from Dance, Drama, Music or a Production Role. Displaying how versatile and vibrant the CESC students are! Audience members were captivated by the energy and enjoyment of every student on stage.
Well done to everyone involved!
Production Update
The purpose of ‘Dress like a Rockstar Day’ is to raise money for the upcoming school production ‘We Will Rock You’.
This will be a free dress day and if you dress like a rockstar or in free dress attire, it is expected that you please bring a gold coin donation to put towards the production.
What should your free dress attire look like on the 3rd of June?
· School appropriate – no attire with inappropriate comments/swearing
· Clothing must cover you appropriately
· Piercings - as per the uniform policy
· Shoes – appropriate for school activities, including wearing hard, black leather lace up shoes for any Tech/Science class – as per OH&S and Uniform policy
· Ensure you are dressed appropriate to the weather conditions
Gold coin donation = free dress on the day!
The home group who raises the most money.
Cranbourne East Secondary College prides itself in having a long history of wonderful musical productions which engages the whole school community. This extra-curricular event has the ability to bring CESC’s community together through the love of the Arts however as you can imagine, a production of this magnitude requires not only dedication from the talented performers, musicians and crew, but also an enormous amount of parent volunteer assistance as well as significant financial support.
In the past we have spent numerous hours fundraising for our productions however 2019 will be the first time we take sponsorships. Financial support from individuals, families, groups and businesses will play a critical role in this unique performing experience for the students of Cranbourne East Secondary College. Student participation in this production fosters: dedication, creativity, self- expression, and most importantly, teamwork. In exchange for your support, we have many advertising opportunities for you to choose from.
Thoughts to consider when sponsoring:
- Get your business noticed and support the CESC Production with an ad in our 2019 We Will Rock You program booklet. More than 500 copies will be printed and distributed at the performances and programs are read and kept by hundreds who attend . Your ad in our program shows your support for performing arts education in our local area to more than 1,000 attendees and more than 60 students and their families that are involved in this year’s production
- If you would like to discuss the option of sponsoring our production t-shirts, production design (sets/props/costumes) or simply donate, please contact Mrs Witteveen to discuss further.
Your contribution and support is critical to the success of the production. Please read through the attached information on sponsorship categories.
If you have any questions or would like to contact us, please contact Hannah Witteveen on