From the Principal
We have been very busy this month, with so many great things happening, which keeps reminding us all how Cranbourne East Secondary College is such a very special place to be.
Students from all year levels have participated in various activities and programs both within school and through extra-curricular. Some of these include:
- Cross Country
- Naplan
- Year 9 Mock Interviews
- Year 10 Work Experience
- Open Mic
- Senior 3/4 Drama Performance
- Year 9 Performing Arts presentation
School Zones
On 24th April, the Department of Education launched a new website This website shows every school zone across the state. As of 2020, all public schools will be 'zoned'. This means all students within zone are guaranteed enrolment. Those outside of zone may apply to attend any school and will be considered, based on a priority order placement, with capacity being a major criterion. Current enrolments will remain, regardless of the residential address.
Review update
During Term 1 and 2 we have been completing our self-evaluation in readiness for our review in term 3. Self-evaluation supports the ‘evaluate and diagnose’ phase of the Improvement Cycle process.
School self-evaluation is an opportunity for the school to reflect on how it is tracking against the goals and targets stated in the four-year School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan. This helps the school to identify what is working well, what needs to continue, and which areas of the school's work may need to be improved or further developed. It informs decisions relating to priority setting, initiatives, strategies and actions for improvement.
Self-evaluation involves schools collating data from a diverse range of sources to inform action for improving student outcomes, auditing our Child Safe practices and Departmental policies. Earlier this term we had a Child Safe Pulse Check completed, the reviewer was extremely pleased and impressed with the quality of the report and evidence we provided to him.
Some of his feedback included:
- Fully comprehensive documentation that meets the requirements
- The evidence provided was outstanding and it was further evidenced on his tour of the school. We are living the standards
- The school was safe, orderly and well organised
- We should be proud of our school and thanked us for making student safety, engagement and wellbeing of the highest importance.
I would like to reiterate these comments and recognise that this is a result of the dedication our staff show each and every day for our students.
We will be asking for parents and guardians, as well as students, to be involved in focus groups during Term 3 for the purpose of the review.