School Report 

Virtual Tour


We remind all current families to please ensure they submit a sibling enrolment form for 2022

Our Prep enrolment campaign for 2022 has now commenced and your support is needed to spread the good news about our school to parents/carers you know who may be looking for a great school to send their child/ren.

Enrolments for 2022 I cannot believe that we are already thinking about student enrolments for 2022 but the time is creeping up on us!  And, if you know of a family who is wanting to join the Launching Place School community in 2022, can I encourage you to remind them to call the office to organise a school tour. This process helps us to get to know your little one in support of their transition to school. Further information on our enrolment process please contact Audrey at the front office on 59647783. 2022 enrolments need to be submitted by 25th June, 2021.


No Sooner are we welcoming back our students we are wishing them them a safe and happy holiday break. But while they were here it was really noticeable the happiness and energy all the students brought to the school so glad we were all back together. We hope you all enjoyed your Tim Tams.

Junior School Council organised a PJ Day for the whole school to raise monies for Food Bank.  LPPS students raised $207.30. Well Done!


Spare Clothes.

 We highly recommend that all children have a spare pair for clothing kept in their bags in case of toileting accidents at school and wet weather accidents. We suggest packing a pair of navy tracksuit pants, socks and underwear. 

Sick Bay

We would like to remind families that the Department of Education and Training does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. We highly recommend that families have their own Ambulance coverage/insurance, and please ensure that we have up to date details at the front office in case of an emergency. 

Updated medication for your child is paramount.

Lost property

Lost Property Outside of the meeting room you will find two blue baskets for lost property. Please ensure your child’s items are clearly marked with their name so that they can be easily returned. 


2.30pm Finish for all students. we wish you all a safe and Happy Holiday.

We look forward to seeing you all next term on the 12th July.

Offsite Emergency Evacuation Drill

On Wednesday at 12.00pm LPPS had a offsite emergency evacuation fire drill at Jadodade Park. It took 6 minutes and 8 seconds. Congratulation to all the staff and students for implementing an effective Evacuation Drill. Thank you to Andrew Smith and Rochelle Poulton from the Hillcrest CFA who also attended top observe how our school went in this process. Andrew Smith talked to all students about how important practicing drills are. Well Done everyone!

Offsite Evacuation Drill
Offsite Evacuation Drill