Positive Climate for Learning

Positive Climate for Learning

We are all very excited with the good news that our students will return to school and will all be onsite in a few weeks’ time.


I want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our community for supporting our children through these unprecedented times.

I am also very proud of all of our students in the way that they have conducted themselves. They have learnt skills such as perseverance, problem solving, looking out for each other and positive coping.


Weekly lessons under the domain of Positive Climate for Learning have supported students in developing their own emotional literacy and strategies to manage themselves.


Our students have probably not yet perfected these skills but we will continue to work on them. Our students have made a good start in identifying their strengths and weakness and how to use some of these strategies in conducting themselves as learners and also as community members.


Below are a few examples of our students using these strategies to show Care.

'I am cleaning up my home work space.' - Beatrice


ACS Values video created by Kolbi

1-2 Learning Community

We are extremely excited to bring you an update from the Grade 1-2's. Over the past few weeks of remote learning, the students have begun uploading their work samples so that teachers can see how hard they have all been working at home. The samples below show some of the lessons we have had available on our Google Classroom and the work produced by some of our hardworking students.

 Frankie doing some word building from the Sounds Write Reading lessons.

Kalea focusing on Maths, making a collection of leaves from around her home and counting them.

Marley R finding what sinks and what floats in Inquiry/Science.

Flynn's Roller-coaster of Emotions for Positive Climate for Learning.

Audrey's picture that made her LOL in writing.


The teachers are enjoying checking in with you all through individual and group Google Meets. It's exciting we can continue to build really strong connections with the students and families during this unusual time.


The 1-2 teaching team are very proud of the commitment and resilience the students are showing in their learning. Keep up the fantastic work and thank you to all parents who are very busy supporting the students at home.