Middle School

Year 9 Focus Afternoon- Preparing for your Pathway
On August 1st all Year 9 students attended ‘Preparing for your Pathway’ workshops.
Guest speakers, Baneen, Mathilda and Christine spoke about their career aspirations and the pathways they are undertaking. Our Business Manager and former student, Adrian Zonneveldt also spoke to the students about his experiences in the work force.
Topics discussed included;
• Understanding my pathway
• Developing knowledge of pathways
• Subjects offered
• Introduction to the ADVANCE program
What did you learn from the presentation?
- To do better at school
- Pay more attention
- I can do a subject I want to do for a whole year
- If you don’t know what you want to do in life yet, it doesn’t matter
- It is more important to stay at school than I thought
- I learnt all about VCAL and VCE and that I should take my time to pick subjects
- I learnt about Advance. It sounds great.
- There is no right or wrong way. Your pathway is what YOU want.
- No need to stress.
- The subjects that are available.
Course Selection- Year 8 and 9 Students
Recently, students in Year 8 and 9 choose their subjects for 2019.
While Year 8s had four electives to choose from, Year 9 had much wide offering as they moved into Senior School. Firstly, a new choice between VCAL (Victorian Certificate or Applied Learning) or the mainstream subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities.
In addition, the electives for our Year 9s in 2019 were wide and varied. Lots of units to give our students an introduction to subjects such as: Legal Studies, Economics and Business, Legal Studies, Health and Human Development, Physical Education, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. And of course many and varied technology courses: Foods, Metal, Photography, Wood and our Visual and Performing Arts Program with Art, Drama, Visual Communication.
Another possibility is for students to become involved in the Ag School Program which will involve on-farm opportunities to practise real-life working skills.
Taster Day for St Joseph’s Primary School Students
On the 31st of July Term 3, our College hosted a wonderful ‘Taster Day’ for St Joseph’s Primary School. The Year 5/6 students arrived at 9.45am and were greeted in the College library by Mrs Tempest, Mrs Black and Mrs Grenfell, plus a number of our College staff. The enthusiasm of all students was building with each minute and contagious as the St Joseph’s students were led off by our wonderful Year 9 leaders: Tiffany Knight, Taryn Miller, Molly Poole, Mitchel Payne, Josh Stevens and Cheyanne Allcroft to enjoy awesome activities planned by our staff.
Mr Blackbourn and Ms Brain had students testing there observation skills and made an eruption with some elephants toothpaste. Ms Parker delighted the students with a drama activity. Mr McLaren had the students learning to play a rock beat on the drums and they are now all rock stars! Mr Glass had the students out on the sports field, Mrs Sattler organised a wonderful art activity and Ms Twigg cooked up a storm with her group of students.
Students were able to take part in lunchtime sports and games hosted and planned by the Year 9 leaders. The day drew to a close when all students assembled in the library to discuss their truly adventurous day. Smiles and happy comments about the day were made by all.
Thank you to everyone who made this ‘Taster Day’ so special and a great success.
A Reflection On Semester One
Chronicle entries are given by teachers for our school’s values of:
- Being a learner
- Being responsible
- Being respectful
In Semester One, Year 7 received 304 nominations while Year 8 with 279. Of special note are some of our students who not only received multiple entries but also showed these values in all other areas of their schooling.
Year 7
Matilda Hooper 14
Kiera Hocking 13
Sarah MacDonald 11
Tamika Mosman 11
Dan Campbell 10
Kitty Nadugu 10
Jai Nolan 10
Lucie Redman 10
Year 8
Cass Mosman 8
Bella O’Toole 8
Cobram Secondary College aim is for attendance of 90% or above.
In Semester One, 75.7% of our Year 7 students achieved were present at school 90% or more of the time. While, in Year 8 it was 70.9%.
Of special note for their high attendance record:
- Zoe O’Toole
- Victoria Zoch
- Bella Hart
- Samantha Knight
- Matthew Perri
- Aiden Picker
August Reading Assistance at St Joseph’s Primary School
As part of the Cobram Secondary College Transition Program, our Year 9 students: Isla McCracken, Molly Poole, Jade Williams, Taryn Miller and Mitchel Payne have volunteered to assist the Year 5/6 teachers at St Joseph’s Primary School with their Reading Program. Every Wednesday morning for the month of August our students engage with the St Joseph’s students performing a number of tasks, such as reading, spelling and if time allows some Mathematics as well. The feedback from the St Joseph staff is that our students’ conduct themselves very professionally, that their support is invaluable and that the Year 5/6 students enjoy the collaborative learning. Our students maintain that it is a wonderful experience to be able to work with, and support other students in our local schools.
Year 8 Drama
8O having fun dressing up and working on their improvisation skills in Drama.