Senior School

Year 12 Parent and Student Breakfast
In the early morning of Thursday 2nd of August, the Senior School Team were joined by fifty Year 12 parents and students for the annual Year 12 Parents and Students Breakfast. The breakfast is designed to provide support to our Year 12 students who are entering their final weeks of their schooling, where they are preparing for end of year exams, attending university open days, applying for scholarships, applying for accommodation and deciding of their pathways for 2019. It is also designed to provide support to our parents who are supporting their Year 12 child at home during this time and driving them around the countryside to visit universities.
Together we enjoyed a tasty breakfast of mini quiches, hash browns, toast, muffins, cereal, muesli, yoghurt, muesli bar, fruit, juice, tea and coffee, followed by a short presentation by the Senior School Team. A handbook was also provided to parents and students with important information that will be of great assistance during the remainder of the year.
We thank all of the Year 12 students and parents who came out early in the morning to support the event. We also thank Sherril Twigg for the preparation of all of the food and the teachers who helped with set-up, pack up and the cooking of the breakfast.
A reminder that if parents would like to discuss anything in the handbook or we can provide any support to please contact the General Office and speak with a member of the Senior School Team.
Engineering Workshop
Congratulations to Year 11 student Jorja Dixon, who attended the 2018 SPARK Engineering camp at the University of Melbourne during the July school holidays. Jorja received a full scholarship to attend the camp, covering all costs – including travel and accommodation. Well done Jorja!
University Open Days
It was great to see some of our students out and about at the Monash University Open Day at Clayton & Caulfield Campus recently.
Sunday 26th August – Latrobe Bendigo, Deakin Burwood, ACU Ballarat, Fed Uni Ballarat, Gippsland, & Berwick
VCE Study Sessions
Every Wednesday from 3:30pm – 6:30pm our VCE students in Year 11 and 12 are given the opportunity to attend the VCE Study Sessions that run from C1. This is where students are provided a quiet learning environment to complete either homework or study. VCE teachers come along to provide additional assistance and support. Students can choose when they would like to arrive and depart.
If students are interested in the study sessions they can sign up on the sheet outside the VCE Centre by Wednesday recess.