PBA Winners

Week 2 PBA Winners
Ebony McIntosh
Great work and display of skills in the Wood tech room
Elsie Oliver
Effort and application in Year 10 English class
Ellie Jones
Effort and application in Year 11 English
Congratulations and keep up the fantastic work.
Week 3 PBA Winners
Kevin Griffin
For: Making excellent progress in Digital Technologies.
Molly Poole
For: Consistently positive, strongly motivated and determined to succeed in English. Well done!
Ryan Taylor
For: For making an effort to complete tasks set and then being able to demonstrate that understanding in class confidently.
Week 5 PBA Winners
Ebony Mcintosh
Excellent progress in Digital Technologies
Robert Squires
Excellent progress in Introduction to Physics.
Deniz Habiboglu
Seeking assistance outside of class for an upcoming SAC
PBA Morning Tea
Congratulations to our 48 students who joined our Principal, Ms Tempest, and Assistant Principal, Ms Ferguson, to celebrate their achievement on the Semester Two, Cycle One PBA reports. It was pleasing to see a growing number of students achieve 4.8 or greater on their reports. Keep up the great attitude and application!