It’s safe to say that the Year 7s have made a great start to 2022, they have started to use Stile, a platform completely new to them and have adapted well.  


The Year 7s who signed up to the NCSS challenge have been working well through the first week. This challenge teaches the students the basics of Python programming as well as assessing their understanding and ability to apply the concepts presented. Many of those who signed up have completed Week 1 and wait in anticipation for the Week 2 challenge to be released.  Perseverance, determination and dedication have enabled these students to keep on track. Well done and keep up the great work!


More competitions will be available in the near future, so if you are interested in coding challenges, keep an eye out on the Compass newsfeed and newsletter.  


Mary Ho

ICT Learning Area Manager


If you love robots, you’ll love this video: 

Can you “do the mash potato?” as well as these robots?


Diana Hatch

ICT Teacher


To start off Year 9 Coding, our coding students have been learning about algorithms. An algorithm is a sequence of instructions for a computer program. Programmers will plan out their code before they start to write it in a computer language. It is crucial that instructions in the algorithm are logical and make sense. To practice our skills of writing algorithms. Students attempted to write exact instructions for their partner to make a jam sandwich. 

Here is what a few of our coders have had to say so far about Year 9 Coding.


Mr Cameron Chan

ICT Teacher


Coding has been really fun. We've learnt how to write algorithms using selection and iteration. We've written our own sequences for washing dogs, cars and even games of rock, paper and scissors. We've also written algorithms for making jam sandwiches, which we used to have a sort of picnic one Friday outside. The wind blew the plates everywhere, and we all got a little sticky, but it was brilliant. Coding is such a fun and practical subject, and I'm excited to learn more.

Emma Rhode
Emma Rhode

Emma Rhode

Year 9 Student


We learnt about algorithms and loops along with sequences. In the end we made a jam sandwich task for a partner to make. My partner's instructions were clear and I managed to make the sandwich without any problems. The best part was making it and eating it. 

Beatrice Ho
Beatrice Ho

Beatrice Ho

Year 9 Student


In coding, we started learning about algorithms and how to construct exact instructions. One of the activities we did was to make a jam sandwich. First we made instructions as specific as possible to make a jam sandwich. We then passed this on to our partner and they had to make the jam sandwich according to those instructions. It was interesting to see how the jam sandwiches turned out and figuring out our mistakes! 

Mia Bronson
Mia Bronson

Mia Bronson

Year 9 Student


We have recently been working on algorithms, specifically sequences and loops. As a class assignment, we were asked to write a sequence detailing the exact steps of making a jam sandwich. Obviously, in coding, the computer can't just assume what you meant, and this activity was designed to do the exact same thing. If it said to put the jam on the top of the bread, you can't just infer it meant the face, it could literally translate to putting the jam on the top of the crust. From this activity, we learned how to be specific with our code, and what could go wrong if we aren't. 

Oscar Forbes
Oscar Forbes

Oscar Forbes

Year 9 Student


Our first unit of work that we've been looking at is algorithms. Algorithms are a specific set of instructions, used to tell us how to do something. After spending a month carefully reviewing and understanding them, we were tasked to create an algorithm to make a jam sandwich. Simple, right? Well, eh not so much... Some forgot simple instructions, such as get a plate, get a knife etc. Some weren't specific enough, and instructions such as scoop jam on bread were carried out, with people actually scooping jam out with their fingers! It was all a lot of fun though, and our knowledge of algorithms and how specific they must be is a lot stronger.  

Kayla Morgan
Kayla Morgan

Kayla Morgan

Year 9 Student


Each Wednesday lunchtime a group of very keen students meet in A3. They have been practicing and sharing their coding skills using Scratch. Some students have made very interesting projects and are experimenting with creating some small games. Students who share a similar passion for coding attend this club, each have varying abilities; some are just starting out and others are quite advanced. It is really nice to see them sharing ideas and helping each other learn.


The main focus with Code Club is to give students the opportunity to work together and foster their knowledge of coding, digital technology and problem-solving skills. This will hopefully create opportunities for their future studies and prepare them for jobs that have not yet been created.


Frank Russo

22ICT Teacher