Colour Fun Run

Thursday 25 November is the school COLOUR FUN RUN!

Hello Everyone,


I am so EXCITED to share that we are all systems go for our THIRD colour fun run


We are running two competitions: 

The class that has the highest profiles set up by the end of next week will celebrate with Pizza for lunch on a selected day this term


Classes with the highest amount raised will get to splash Mr Oakey with a tonne of colour! Mr Oakey may need to wear protective eyewear on the day… just saying!


Click on the link and register your profiles TODAY! 

Remember to enter your details and select your class. If you leave the class out, you will go into the unknown category and your you may miss out on one of the two big prizes.


Safety Sheets and Online portal guidelines are available for anyone who wishes to receive a copy. Contact myself directly or the office and we will email the files your way. 


Happy Fund Raising !


Vicky B

JPPC Convenor