Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart







Covid Responses

There has been some tremendous challenges in dealing with all the different responses to Covid cases. I want to thank parents for their understanding and patience when we send children home. We know it is inconvenient, but a little sniffle or cough could be something more serious and we have to take action.


I also hope parents can understand that there are other implications from these Covid responses. One is that we are treating the staff the same - one sign of illness and they go home!! Unfortunately there is great difficulty at the moment with finding CRT's (replacement teachers). As a result we are sometimes left stranded and have to split grades. We know this does not fit the 'bubble' edict and it can be very unsettling for the students, however we have little choice.

Student Welfare Officer advertised

Following last weeks announcement about School Council committing to funding a Student Welfare Officer for 2 years, I am pleased to announce that we have advertised the position. Interested parties are welcome to log into Recruitment Online 


This is not a teaching position, so we welcome people with suitable skills and experience to apply. It does still have the advantage of school holidays and flexible work hours!!


This position will be funded from the school budget in 2022 and 2023. We have some reserve funds and we have always benefitted from generous donations of voluntary contributions from the school community. You can continue to support this program by making additional voluntary contributions directly to this program for 2022 and 2023. 

Color Run

Please look later in the newsletter for information about out third Color Run.


This is a very short turn-around, as this event is on 25 November. Please register your child if you wish to participate.

Foundation Staff for 2022

Our Foundation staff for 2022 will be Mrs Friebel, Miss Antoniou, Miss Iacovangelo, Mrs Gray and Mrs Maisey. We hope that 2022 Foundation students will get to meet their teachers, and their buddies, next Friday.


All other teaching positions in the other grades and specialists will be announced next week.

Enrolments for 2022

Any family that is not intending to return to Jells Park PS in 2022 is asked to advise the office immediately. We understand that change and movement is a normal part of life but it would help us to know. It has an impact on our numbers, hence our budget, and it helps us manage the many enquiries that we get for enrolment.

For 2022 we welcome enquires from any interested families, however available space exists mainly in the upper school.


Kevin Oakey



Wellbeing Website

Darren Jenkins and the SWPBS team have been working on collating a range of wellbeing related online resources for our students, families and wider community.   A tremendous amount of work has been undertaken to ensure the resources are reputable and relevant for our community. You will find a new tab on our website called ‘Wellbeing’, please have a look at the multitude of topics and information.


Best wishes to our community members who celebrated Diwali last week. Diwali is one of the most symbolic Hindu festivals signifying peace and joy, the victory of good over evil, and light over darkness.


Have a lovely weekend.

Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal