Positive Performance Psychology

 Team Work

Students in the Year 9 Elective ‘Positive Performance Psychology’ at the Mooroopna campus have been learning about sports performance psychology and effective teamwork. Students worked in groups with allocated roles and were given the challenge to build the tallest newspaper tower out of only newspaper and sticky tape. 


Students had to collaborate effectively to ensure their team was successful in their build, with each student contributing to the task. One team led very early on, with their tower reaching all the way to the ceiling of the classroom, but unfortunately a design floor meant it fell over with a few minutes to go. It was great to see some creative builds, and many groups demonstrated many of the characteristics required for successful teamwork such as confidence, trust, communication and flexibility.


Below Aaron and Taylah discuss how best to build the base for good support;

Rory and Jayden work out the best way to increase height without causing the tower to collapse at the mid-point; Keisha helps her team secure the top level of their tower

Aaron & Taylah
Rory & Jayden
Keisha & team
Aaron & Taylah
Rory & Jayden
Keisha & team


Kylie Hoskin

Positive Psychology