From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers,


At the end of last year I wrote about 2020 being a year unlike any before; and here I am again this year with the same message about 2021. The global pandemic continued to impact each of us differently and was strongly felt during the 13 weeks of Learning from Home along with families having to make the important decision about being vaccinated. 


I am extremely proud of our school community; students, parents, carers, teachers and office staff as we all worked together to ensure quality learning continued for all our students throughout the 13 weeks. 


Windang PS is characterised by our families who value education, students who are enthusiastic and willing to learn, dedicated teachers and a strong community that works together for the best interest of our students. 


Congratulations to our Year 6 Students on their graduation from primary education. Last week, we celebrated their learning journey and I am grateful the COVID-19 guidelines allowed us to have parents onsite to share the special day. I am extremely proud of all our Year 6 students as they all have  different knowledge and skills and I’m confident they’ll all experience success whether that’s following the academic path, creative & performing arts or vocational education. The only thing they need to remember is SUCCESS always follows hard work regardless of the path they choose.


Once again, it’s been a pleasure to work with our incredible P&C, led by Mrs Lisa Bassingwaighte-Fogarty. The P&Cs commitment and dedication to our school is relentless. This year, the P&C raised $7000.00 and paid for the bike shade cover and all funds raised from the Colour Fun Run will go towards the shade cover built yesterday over the sandpit. Can I encourage all parents to join the P&C as we all know many hands make light work. 


Many parents are often surprised to learn that the school’s uniform shop is actually run by parent volunteers; from finding suppliers, ordering stock to filling parent orders. As you can imagine, all this takes an extraordinary amount of time. Jess Dennis, thank you for your enormous work associated with maintaining the online uniform platform and Jess Trott, thank you for always ensuring all orders are filled quickly. 


I’d also like to thank the following P&C committee members who always give up their time to ensure our P&C is successful: Vicki Sweet, Terri Langendam along with our P&C members Tara Hesse, Bek Brown, Katie Fairhall, Donna Walsh, Lexie Quinn, John & Michelle Wiley. 


In addition, this year, we were fortunate to continue to receive support from MMJ South Real Estate, Oh Dang Espresso Café, Food Works and Bunnings Kembla Grange. Next year, we are hoping to build upon our business partnerships. As you often hear me say, Community is our Culture and I truly believe in the African proverb that it takes a village to raise a child. 


I would now like to take this opportunity to congratulate and say goodbye to Mrs Blanch who has accepted a classroom teacher position at Kemblawarra PS for 2022. Mrs Blanch was instrumental in continuing to lead sport throughout the year and I wish her enormous success at her new school.


Mrs Gardiner has made the difficult decision to take a gap year from full-time teaching as this will enable her to follow her other passion of world travel. Nevertheless, we are not saying “good-bye” to Mrs Gardiner rather we look forward to seeing her on the odd occasion throughout the year as Mrs Gardiner has agreed to be our go-to casual.  Mrs Gardiner has dedicated 9 years of her teaching career to our students and school. She is an expert teacher who has shown extraordinary commitment and dedication to her students and I look forward to hearing all about her adventure travels. 


School Leaders 2022

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and introduce you to our School Captains, Vice Captains and Leaders for 2022. The following students were voted by their peers and teachers to form our 2022 student leadership team. 

Captains: Lachlan H & Ginny H

Vice Captains: Chase H & Imogen W

School Leaders: Imogen S, Phoenix C, Jarvis S, Ellie-May M & Peyton P


As per tradition, we look forward to inviting parents to the School Leaders induction assembly at the beginning of next year where we officially acknowledge and welcome our new 2022 student leaders to the school leadership team. 


I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a great New Year. I am looking forward to welcoming all our current and new families in 2022. 


Stay Safe & Stay Strong. 


Mrs Kocovska
